It's Paul's 21st birthday today!! Yup, tonight is that rite of passage when he will walk into the booze store and buy his onwn liquor. Woohoo! He's so excited. We're going to see X-Men 3 tonight and then going to some friends' apt. to celebrate. Right now I'm just trying to think of a way to get him out of my room long enough to wrap his presents and sign/find the card I got for him. As usual this is something I could have done before (like Thursday when I got them) but I'm a good little procrastintor and didn't do it yet. And now with him in the house I think I'll have to just shoo him out for a minute to wrap everything up. Not that the wrap job will be particularly great since I forgot to buy wrapping paper thus resulting in my wrapping his gifts in tissue paper. Oh well, its like a bag gift minus the bag part I guess. I hope he likes everything. I got him a DVD of a Metallica concert, have I mentioned that they are his favorite band? I can't get him tickets (mostly because they aren't on tour) but I was able to find this which he should like. And then some peanut butter fudge. Which can't go wrong since he loves chocolate more than I do and would give his life for some peanut butter. They say its the thought that acounts anyway, ,so I'm not overly worried.
This weekend was amazing! I went with Paul to his family's camp about 2 hours south of me on this little lake. It was fantastic! They had a little cabin and then some other buildings around it so that everything was spread out. Like the garage had a bunk-house over it with 3 full beds and 1 bunk bed for maximum sleeping capacity. And then an entire separate building just for the picnic table. I thought the set-up was splendid if that isn't obvious already. Plus, I finally waterskiied this weekend. On my 3rd try! Well actually I've been trying since probably 6th grade I just never got the hang of it. But I was finally ready to do it I guess because I popped right up the first time I got pulled. I fell on my face within 2 seconds though because I forgot to lean back in my excitement. Paul's Aunt MaryJo said I had the best look of achievement on my face when I got up and stayed up. She said it was picture-perfect. Huge smile and all. I was so proud. I'm going to call my mom later and tell her. Paul and I went tubing too. I like tubing its fun. Lamest sentence ever right there.
Hmm ok then. I'm just sitting here at work waiting to do something. Actually I haven't done anything since I got here and I probably won't do anything till thursday when I'm back. Oh I live such a stressful life. Heehee.
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Honeysuckle Picasa


Monday, May 22, 2006
Chocolate Chip Cookies
Yummm. I do love chewy chocolate chip cookies. And alliteration apparently. Ok, I'm done now. I find it amusing that I seem to write so much in the summer. I suppose its the lack of anything better to do that makes me do it. I do love writing though. Its calming actually.
Hmmm. Sitting here in the gathering dusk, waiting for...I'm not sure what I'm waiting for actually. I think its for someone to ask me to do sometihng. I'm bored out of my mind here. There is so little for me to do since a good portion of my friends have left. I'm trying to learn some independance, but its hard when I can't get anywhere except on rollerblades...and let me tell you, hills are not a rollerblader's friend. Plus I'm younger than most people up here. I suppose because its a college town and most people go home their first year to school. I don't know though, going home just felt as if I'd be caged, not living to my full potential. Here at least, I have to rely on myself for everything...ok Paul helps out sometimes like when we go out to eat and stuff I don't pay...but outside of that, I'm alone in my expenses. And wow can it ever pile up! Ah well, I'm on a strange tangent, I think, I really don't know what I'm talking about anymore, I'm sort of just typing and seeing what comes out.
Paul stayed over last night. It made me so happy this morning. I mean, we frequently stay in each other's homes during weekends. But this morning I had to get up and go to work. And even though he was leaving when I left, he didn't have to get up and shower like I did, so when I came back to my room, there he was sound asleep. And it was perhaps the purest happy feeling I've had in a long time. Because there he was. The man I love so much. And he had stayed the night to get up early with me the next morning, knowing that we wouldn't have time to cuddle during the morning hours, but he stayed just to be with me. I have this feeling, deep deep down, that I ponder only for brief seconds and at the strangest times so I don't jinx it. But here I shall display it. Even now as I type this my breath quickens with the thought of laying out my secret. What if this spells disaster? What if my putting it into words defies its coming into existance?
I think I could spend my life with this man. The joy I feel in his arms, the relief of seeing him after a long day, the longing just to hear his voice at the end of the telephone, and the feeling that I would sacrifice so much to be with him, makes be feel this way. I want to tell him, and I know that he would welcome it, but the romantic inside me says 'wait, and let him come to you'. I don't have a fear of waiting to long, because I know that he will be there till I'm ready to say what needs saying.
He worries me though sometimes. His brother has had a steady girlfriend for 3 years now. And Paul has this thing in his head that Todd (his brother) should get married first, or rather, will get married first. And that bothers me. Because I want to say: Why do we depend on them? I'm not saying lets run off to Vegas and get hitched tonight or anything, but I am saying that I don't want to wait for someone else to tie the knot so that I can too. Perhaps it will come up in a later discussion. I'm not overly worried, or bothered by it, just thought I'd get it "down on paper" so to speak.
Hmm, I hope it starts getting warm soon, I'm quickly becomeing annoyed with the early spirng like temperatures. Oh sweet usmmer come shine upon me! And bring me more chocolate chip cookies, at the rate I'm going I'll need more soon!
Hmmm. Sitting here in the gathering dusk, waiting for...I'm not sure what I'm waiting for actually. I think its for someone to ask me to do sometihng. I'm bored out of my mind here. There is so little for me to do since a good portion of my friends have left. I'm trying to learn some independance, but its hard when I can't get anywhere except on rollerblades...and let me tell you, hills are not a rollerblader's friend. Plus I'm younger than most people up here. I suppose because its a college town and most people go home their first year to school. I don't know though, going home just felt as if I'd be caged, not living to my full potential. Here at least, I have to rely on myself for everything...ok Paul helps out sometimes like when we go out to eat and stuff I don't pay...but outside of that, I'm alone in my expenses. And wow can it ever pile up! Ah well, I'm on a strange tangent, I think, I really don't know what I'm talking about anymore, I'm sort of just typing and seeing what comes out.
Paul stayed over last night. It made me so happy this morning. I mean, we frequently stay in each other's homes during weekends. But this morning I had to get up and go to work. And even though he was leaving when I left, he didn't have to get up and shower like I did, so when I came back to my room, there he was sound asleep. And it was perhaps the purest happy feeling I've had in a long time. Because there he was. The man I love so much. And he had stayed the night to get up early with me the next morning, knowing that we wouldn't have time to cuddle during the morning hours, but he stayed just to be with me. I have this feeling, deep deep down, that I ponder only for brief seconds and at the strangest times so I don't jinx it. But here I shall display it. Even now as I type this my breath quickens with the thought of laying out my secret. What if this spells disaster? What if my putting it into words defies its coming into existance?
I think I could spend my life with this man. The joy I feel in his arms, the relief of seeing him after a long day, the longing just to hear his voice at the end of the telephone, and the feeling that I would sacrifice so much to be with him, makes be feel this way. I want to tell him, and I know that he would welcome it, but the romantic inside me says 'wait, and let him come to you'. I don't have a fear of waiting to long, because I know that he will be there till I'm ready to say what needs saying.
He worries me though sometimes. His brother has had a steady girlfriend for 3 years now. And Paul has this thing in his head that Todd (his brother) should get married first, or rather, will get married first. And that bothers me. Because I want to say: Why do we depend on them? I'm not saying lets run off to Vegas and get hitched tonight or anything, but I am saying that I don't want to wait for someone else to tie the knot so that I can too. Perhaps it will come up in a later discussion. I'm not overly worried, or bothered by it, just thought I'd get it "down on paper" so to speak.
Hmm, I hope it starts getting warm soon, I'm quickly becomeing annoyed with the early spirng like temperatures. Oh sweet usmmer come shine upon me! And bring me more chocolate chip cookies, at the rate I'm going I'll need more soon!
Friday, May 19, 2006
*Sigh* I suppose I should elaborate on that last pot. It was rather brief and unfulfilling as to what has actually taken place in my life in oh say the past three or so months.
Spring Break: Went to the Mall of America with Paul. It was so much fun. We stayed in a little cheap hotel for a few days and had ourselves a good time just being together. Unfortunately the trip/break was a little tainted because my grandmother on my dad's side died on the tuesday I left. It was awful. I was too far away to go to the funeral or see her right before she died. My grandma was one of my favorite people to be around. She taught me to love good french bread, musicals, Shirley Temple, milk and ginger ale, the love of family, and how to look at the people around you as beautiful. She was a beautiful person and if I can be 1/8th the person she was I will be happy.
The rest of school: Rather uneventful for me anyway. Timnah's pregnancy became one of those constant sources of complaint/joy/worry. She'd complain over being hot, uncomfortable, etc. Be joyous the next moment because she felt a flutter of movement. Our worry came when she spotted one night and we went to the hospital to check for miscarriage. All was fine, Thank God, but worry is tiring nonetheless. My birthday has come and gone, another year older and I still feel young. i suppose thats becaus eI'm the youngest among my friends and coworkers. Oh well.
Summer break: Has begun!! Oh its so nice to be out of class!! For once I can go home andnot worry about a project thats due or something of that nature. On that note, I remained in town where I go to school for the summer.
Spring Break: Went to the Mall of America with Paul. It was so much fun. We stayed in a little cheap hotel for a few days and had ourselves a good time just being together. Unfortunately the trip/break was a little tainted because my grandmother on my dad's side died on the tuesday I left. It was awful. I was too far away to go to the funeral or see her right before she died. My grandma was one of my favorite people to be around. She taught me to love good french bread, musicals, Shirley Temple, milk and ginger ale, the love of family, and how to look at the people around you as beautiful. She was a beautiful person and if I can be 1/8th the person she was I will be happy.
The rest of school: Rather uneventful for me anyway. Timnah's pregnancy became one of those constant sources of complaint/joy/worry. She'd complain over being hot, uncomfortable, etc. Be joyous the next moment because she felt a flutter of movement. Our worry came when she spotted one night and we went to the hospital to check for miscarriage. All was fine, Thank God, but worry is tiring nonetheless. My birthday has come and gone, another year older and I still feel young. i suppose thats becaus eI'm the youngest among my friends and coworkers. Oh well.
Summer break: Has begun!! Oh its so nice to be out of class!! For once I can go home andnot worry about a project thats due or something of that nature. On that note, I remained in town where I go to school for the summer.
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