Thursday, April 09, 2009

Ah! So Excited!

So much going on! I'm 22! It was my birthday a little bit ago. I watched cartoons and got too drunk with a friend. What a better way to celebrate a new year?

Right now I'm in Chicago. I had to take a car, bus, and a train to get here but I did it! The guy on the Amtrak who sold food was hilarious. I was trying to sell: "Lobster, prime rib, cold white dry turkey breast from my mother in-law's kitchen!" It was a hoot.

I stayed in Wrigleyville for a night which was neat since I'm like a fake Cubs. See, I like the Cubs because my Aunt likes the Cubs. Which is a silly reason to like a team. But its no better than my reason for liking the Tigers either. I just do. but I don't follow either team enough to tell you if they are doing well or how their last game went. I just like them so when playoffs and stuff happens I have a team to defend. It's silly.

Then I stayed with my cousin out in the suburbs for a night. I love my cousin Heidi. She is a lot older than me though so its a little wierd (15 yrs). Like she has two kids, and is pregnant with twins (girls! awwww). I just don't fit with her or her family. Plus she's from my mom's side of the family and we just don't know them very well, so its hard to really get in talking with her and stuff. But it was nice to see family. It was so funny, I climbed into bed and the sheets and stuff had the faintest scent of "Grandma W." It was like that smallest hint of smell that I associate with the W. family and it was there, in her house and sheets. I love smells. I think they are so neat. And we got Dairy Queen, which we ALWAYS do when we go to visit my mom's family. They love them some Dairy Queen. I mena, we have one near my parent's house, but it isn't the same, we don't go that often. No idea why not. I love Dairy QUeen though, and it always reminds me of happy times. Despite having a nice calm morning though, I still managed to forget my coat at her house. I don't know how the heck I'm gonna get it back. She's like an hour to 90 minutes out of town. Blah.

Right now I'm sitting at a friend's apartment waiting to go to dinner. I'm with Jackie, from high school, and we're gonna get some BBQ. I have been alone the last few days and I kind of liked that. Like, I love having friends with me and not being alone, but I really really liked being the creator of my day. Not having to check with another person, or just wander around till I figured out where the heck I was. I liked that freedom.

I can't wait for Paul to see Chicago though. He's never visited and I think it is just a cool city. I don't know if he'll like it though. Its so BIG. He's from such a small town, I don't know if he'd like a big town like this. I think the people are neat, the restaurants are amazing, and I just love public transportation!!! It's my favorite thing about industrialized countries I think. Yup, that and indoor plumbing.

Ok, well Jackie was taking a nap, so I think I'm going to go wake her up so we can get some food! Yea! I love food, and eating and exploring! There is just so much to see :)