Monday, January 18, 2010

Life Goes On

Ahh, I have a computer again... and internet...yay! I love having a computer! I feel so much more connected. Especially now that I've moved. Again. I just moved about 4 hours further away from my family than I was before. It's crazy!

Well, ok I moved about 4 months ago...but that is besides the point. For the first few months I was here alone, but now Paul moved in and things are going so well. We joined a group for young professionals in our area. It is like my favorite thing ever. I was meeting so many older people on my own. I joined two choirs and the average age was like 60. And Iwas a good 20 years younger than the youngest person in the group. It was fun to sing, but not the most entertaining thing to attend. I mean I'm young, I'm hip (sort of) I need young sort of hip people to chill with. Yeah...I'm not hip because I say chill.

I love my job. I get to see people all the time and people are starting to get to know me and my life. IT was so weird, yesterday someone asked me if I was married yet. THat doesn't soun weird except that it was the guy from the pizza delivery place and I didn't know he knew I was engaged. It was bizarre. On that note, Paul and I picked a date: Oct 16th, 2010. I'm going to go crazy. I have no money and no plans yet. I don' tknow what I'm going to do! There is so much that goes into planning a wedding. I want to pull my hair out just thinking about it. SO I keep pulling a Scarlett O'Hara and saying I'll think about it tomorrow. WHich was fine 3 months ago when I had a year, but now I've "tomorrowed" myself into 9 months away and I've realized nothing is done...AH!

Paul and I are starting to get ready for the church prep part of the wedding though. WHich is exciting. I pray all the time that he'll become more interested in the religious part of my life. I mean, I know that he believes in GOd and Jesus, but its hard to talk to him about it and its weird not to have him at church with me. LIke, I sit there alone. I just want him to be there with me. Not to mention that I think he would get a lot out of it too. I love going to church. It's so calming and centering. I'm thinking about getting him one of those children's guide to mass things so he can learn what the heck we're doing with all the standing sitting talking stuff. But I'm not sure if that would help him or hurt his feelings. I shoudl just ask.

WEll that's me for now. I want to start writing more now that I have a computer again, but I know how that goes. Best intentions and all that.

Lots of Love,