Wednesday, July 16, 2008

A Return To Quizzes

I'm doing a quiz today. Because I can. Also, because I really want to try and return to a time when I talked about my feelings on here. I want to t go back to using this as amy sounding off board. My escape and my safe zone. Its an autobiography that has its ups and downs. I don't want to lose the ups in the downs and I don't want to lose the poetry in the prose. So for that reason I'm going to do a quiz. Its long, but I think it will hit on some things I may have missed. Also...the return of colored text!!

~*Layer One*~
Name: Ery, Sheep, Honey
Birthplace: Downstate
Current location: Working at the college.

~*Layer Two*~
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Brown (Paul used to think it was red...but its not!)
Height: 5'7"
Righty or lefty: Righty
Zodiac sign: Aries
Heritage: Greek, German and Irish. More stuff mixed in as well
Your weakness: Good food, warm hugs, good smells
Your fears: Being weak, being alone forever, dying unidentified, messing something up in the future
Your ideal pizza: Sausage, mushrooms, olives, onions, green peppers and bacon
Your thoughts when you first wake up: 'Morning already...lets GO!'
Your bedtime: Midnight-1am most nights
Your most missed memory: Being surrounded by girlfriends

~*Layer Three*~
Pepsi or Coke?: Either will work if I need a cola
McDonalds or Burger King?: McDonalds, but I'm trying to cut back now
Single or Group date?: Single. There is something so special about doing something with that special someone and not having to deal with the societal constraints that work within a group
Chocolate or Vanilla?: Vanilla...unless I'm craving chocolate.
Capuccino or coffee?: Latte, please
Apples or Bananas: Apples (so many varieties)
Blue or Red: Blue
Walmart or Kmart: Don't like either really
Math or English: English. Although math is pretty good at filling time when you've got a pad and a pencil
Radio or CD: Radio ( I crave diversity)
Drawing or Painting: Painting.
High School or College: College. The freedom of choice is great. I do miss the comraderie of high school though. And the close friends.

~*Layer Four*~
Smoke: Nope
Cuss: Yeah, unfortunately. But less now than 2 years ago.
Sing: Every chance I get. I want to belt it out all day long.
Shower everyday: Well...I try. Sometimes (like today) I miss a day)
Want to get married: Yes yes yes yes yes I do
Believe in yourself: I want to say yes. I want to also say no. I'm confused about the whole thing right now. I'm scared of failure and I'm scared that I might be one, so then what?
Get motion sickness: On big boats and sometimes in cars. (I carry Dramamine everywhere to fight the feeling)
Think you are attractive: Yes (except in my bridesmaid dress...I looked large and triangular and that was not attractive)
Think you're a health freak: No, I just try to balance everything.
Get along with your parents: Yeah. More so now than when I lived at home. I think its a part of growing up
Play an instrument: No, I really want to learn the piano one day, though

~*Layer Five*~ In the last month have you:
Drank alcohol: Yup...sometimes that happens when you're old enough
Done a drug: Nothing illegal
Had sex: Depends on the definition. Intercourse, no. Other sexual acts...yes. Damn, am I ever annoyed by this whole situation. I want to. I don't want to. We're not, but just barely. Why? I don't even know anymore.
Made out: YEs, but not for nearly long enough. If I could have a good 20 minute kissing oh man I'd be a happy camper.
Gone on a date: Yup!
Gone to the mall: Oh yeah. I love Green Bay, and their mall.
Eaten an entire box of oreos: Nope. Still haven't seen a box of oreos.
Been dumped: No, thank God. Although the way I've been treating him its lucky I haven't. I don't know what gets into me sometimes. Its like a bug crawls up my tush and just begs me to fight.
Gone skating: No, but maybe I will today after dinner.
Made Homemade cookies: I've been thinking about it. Does that count?
Gone skinnydipping: No :( I really want to get in the damn lake.
Dyed your hair: No. I'm putting highlights in right before my trip downstate though. I'm going to look so cute when I go home!

~*Layer Six*~ Have you evers:
Played a game that required you take off clothes: Yes. Not a proud moment, but I'm hiding under the "I was young and foolish" argument
Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: Haha. Yessir. Often.
Been caught "doing something": OH jeez. Yes. Lock doors. I'll remember to lock doors for the rest of my life thanks to Cortney, Marc and that stupid movie.
Said "I love you" to someone: Yes, everyday I say it, mean it, and try to show it.
Danced naked: I love dancing. I love being naked. I love doing them together.
Dreamed something really crazy: Who hasn't? Actually my dreams have been quiet for a little while now.
Stalked someone: No.

~*Layer Seven*~
Age you hope to be married: 25? I'm scared of mputting my life on hold. I want to be married. I want to be married sooner rather than later but I don't want to rush into something neither of us is ready for. I want to get married because it's the next logical step. I feel ready to take that leap and I hate that the drone of parents and guidance counsleors and other people say we're too young. This wait till you're older stuff doesn't make sense to me. Wait for what? We're growing together now. We're learning about life together now. Isn't that marriage? Isn't marriage growing up and learning together? Its about life and I want to promote that life. But. What if it really isn't the right time? Will we ever even know? Why wait then? Why not jump in with both feet like we did when we met?
Names and number of children: 2-5 kids. I love kids.
Describe your dream wedding: I want a long white dress with a full skirt. I want a veil and I want a church. Lots of family and friends around for the ceremony and reception afterwards. I wantdelicious food and a great DJ. I want laughter and kisses all night. Tears from the mothers. And I want to walk to Paul at the end of that aisle and at the end of the night and say "I do" to each and every one of those traditional wedding vows.
How do you want to die: Loved
Where do you want to go to college: ALready here.
What do you want to be when you grow up?: A conference coordinator. This is for the big kind of grown up. I dont' think I'll be doing thisuntil my 30's possibly 40's. Sooner would be better. But I can wait.
What country would you most like to visit: Russia, Finland, Greece, France, Thailand

~*Layer Eight*~
Last person who fell asleep in your bed: Me and Paul
Last who saw you cry: Paul
Last person who made you cry: Paul/myself
Last person who spent the night at your house: Brandon I think
Last person you shared a drink with: I wanna say it was Cortney with that mai tai
Last person you went to the movies with: Paul, Ku'u, Brandon...these other two girls whose names I can't remember
Last person you went to the mall with: Katie (oh did we shop)
Last person who yelled at you: Ermmm...I can't remember. Paul doesn't usually yell he just raises his voice a bit. Not a full yell though. Ummm...maybe Katie? I really don't know.
Last times you went out of state:

~*Layer Ten*~
Things you like in a guy: A sense of humor, confidence, the ability to take charge (of me, a situation, a room...that power is just hot), the ability to have fun despite what is manly or masculine or whatever, an easy smile, a good relationship to family, a love/appreciation of small cute things (babies, puppies, etc.), the ability to understand me...even when I don't make sense, the desire to fix things (even when its hard to do)
What book are you reading now: "No Humans Involved" by Kelly Armstrong
What is on your mouse pad: A calendar blotter
Favorite magazine: Cosmo? I don't read magazines very often, but if I am its usually that one.
Favorite sound: Water on the beach, Paul's voice, a really strong piece of music (big notes, good rhythm, good vocals and lots of emotions), children laughing and playing.
Worst feeling in the world: Feeling completely alone and isolated...especially if you are with people. I hate this feeling. I feel it way too often and I hate it.
How many rings before you answer: AS few as possible. I don't like waiting on the phone and I don't want others to have to either.
If you could have any job you wanted what would it be: I'd be singing professionally somewhere, but I don't have the money, the ambition or the strength to take that route.
What are you going to do when you finish this survey: probably write up another entry to try and get some stuff off my chest. That merde-y feeling is back and I don't like it.

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