Monday, February 09, 2009


Since the whole sex-thing happened Paul and I have been talking birth control. Neither of us are ready for children (I know, I know: if no want babies then no have sex...but things have changed and that's that) but we know we want them eventually. Plus with neither of us even out of school yet it is way to soon to be thinking about bringing a child into the world and then trying to support a family. So the search began.

I've always been interested in the options that are out there. I've kept relatively up to date on the Pill and the changes it has undergone (such as branching out into the Ring, and the Patch, etc.) but I've also watched the less conventional methods like the Sponge and the female condom. After doing a bunch of research I came to Paul with the idea of an IUD (the Paraguard to be specific). After explaining what it was he seemed all for it. It was nice to hear that he was pro-whatever I thought best. We both liked the absence of hormones and felt like this would really be the best option as far as long term non-baby-making goes.

About four months after making this decision I am finally getting my IUD inserted in less than a week! I've submitted multiple papers for payment plans and have been able to get everything covered through the state. YEA government health care!! I'm a low-income woman and I don't want babies yet...and you can help me!!

I've been reading about insertions and the procedure now for months and I just can't wait to get my tush on that table. Its just his huge mix of feelings about the actual day and what it will mean for Paul and I. The first time we were..."together"... we were lucky enough that it could really be just the two of us, no contraception needed. But we can't be that lucky all the time and I think it was hampering our feelings for wanting to do anything because it became more of a production than it was worth. With the IUD that production aspect will be gone. I'm hoping it will be more like the first time... and less like an orchestrated production that could be more stress than its worth.

Plus I feel like I'll be joining some secret group of IUD'd women. Its silly, but its like a little club that I can be in soon. Eee! Well the insertion is Friday morning and I'm hoping to feel up to writing in here so I can remember my "special" day :)

Lots of Love,

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