Monday, July 11, 2005


Wow. I feel like I haven't posted in something like forever. Its madening. I have so much to catch up with. Orientation was an absolute blast but I have so much more to say on the subject so here goes. (I'm using the bullets simply because they are flowers)

  • Mom and I got lost. On our way to the University we missed a turn and ended up at this random Point where the road ends and where some famous guy's ship went down. All very pretty but added about two hours onto our 7 1/2 hr trip. It also caused us to almost miss ID picture taking and didn't allow us enough time to pick up toothpaste prior to arriving on campus like we had planned on. Stress was felt all around.
  • I made friends! I'm not a complete loser who has never had friends but I was nervous that I would spend all three days with my mom. But anywho I made friends right away with several people in my small group. I'll list them and my thoughts on everyone I remember at the end of this post.
  • I have a roommate. Well not quite. I still have to request her officially online but Timnah and I decided to become roomies. We get along so well. Similar interests and everything. For reading purposes these are things that I noticed we had incommon from the get-go: Biology majors, love to sing, drama in HS, random music lovers, love Micheal Jackson's old stuff, nonsmokers, don't shave our legs as often as we should in the winter, know how to play euchre, and live in the same general area of the state. It doesn't seem like a whole bunch but its enough to build a friendship on I think. We're both willing to compromise on stuff and I think we'll have the same views on studying and things like that.
  • There are boys at my school. Heehee. I went to an all girls Catholic High school. This heading should be a post of its own. Heehee. Boys make me all giggle-y. For the first time I missed something dealing with school, because I was talking to a boy. It was totally worth it though because he was cute. And I met this guy named Hobie who is really fun and makes my day. And there are boys in my school. I can't stress that enough because it is so crazy to me. Like I had to get ready in the morning. I had to brush my hair and remind myself not to say 'uterus'. Its weird. I like it (heehee) but its weird. But enough with that I'm making myself dizzy.
  • I played euchre...and won. Thats all there is to say. Timnah and I won and we were happy and I was really happy and yep thats it.
  • I learned some geography. Milwaukee is in Wisconsin? I didn't know that. I sounded really dumb whenI admitted it. Milwaukee is in Wisconsin. Oy I felt stupid.
  • College is going to freaking rock. I'm so beyond excited. I was ready to move in that day. Lets go. But Summer, last as long as possible because you are fun too.

People I met at Orientation and what I though of them (mostly nice things because I am just lucky like that)

Humera ~~ First person I really met. Really nice...almost too nice. Seems to be a "killing you with kindness" type

Brooke ~~ Met her with Humera. They are practically twins with a 6 inch difference in height.

Timnah ~~ My new roomie! I love this girl. She is fun and outgoing (and outspoken).

Abbi ~~ This girl rox my sox. She is so funny. I'm a bad describer but she is.

Abigail ~~ Not so nice. Snapped at Humera but may have just been haveing a tough day. Not really sure about her.

Dani ~~ Being as nice as possible, I'd say she was a little odd. She had trouble during our scheduling talk, which is sad because thats probably the simplest thing she's going to do in college. I feel almost bad for her. But she was really nice.

Heather ~~ A diver who was clearly the best on her team. Heart in the right place though. She tried to get me to swim but I realized through her that swimming can't be my life.

Hobie ~~ I mentioned him earlier. He's so fun to be around. His name really is Hobie and he is so easy going.

Jason ~~ Yeah, nice but quirky. Fun to be around but could get to be that person that you end up avoiding.

Sean (?) ~~ Pretty sure his name was Sean. He was the cute boy that made Abbi and I miss our leader to the next meeting.

Joe ~~ Nice guy who lives near me. Confirmed my thoughts that the westsiders are always partying.

Jim ~~ Didn't really talk to him much, but he seemed like a cool bohemian rocker type.

Jessica (?) ~~ Nice girl I talked to twice. I gave her my block of classes so we were good buddies for about an hour.

Thats it. I'm bored with writing about this. Truthfully I'm bored with thinking on it too much. I'm gonna go do something fun.


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