Friday, September 09, 2005

Frolic frolic frolic!

Weeee! Fun times. I'm a swinger! Heehee a swing dancer that is. Yup I joinged the swing club yesterday with the girl across the hall, Emily, and now we are officially members. I'm sooooo excited. I called my mom yesterday as soon as I got home (well to the room, whatever) to tell her that I needed her to send my character shoes up, since I'll now be needing them every thursday! Now I just need to find a partner. Well I have a partner for next week kbut I don't know if I wan thim to always be my partner. See, its Dustin. And I would really prefer to find some really cute guy or someone that I like a bit more than him to be my dancing partner. So that is my mission, that is what is going to help me become more assertive (since that is something else I realized I needed to do). I'm going to meet people and we are going to have fun and its going to be a blast.

Just talked to Timnah about Brendan...I still kind of have a crush on him I think. Just a little one. I don't know, like, I had a dream the other night about calling him and we became good friends. I guess thats really what I want, I miss just being able to have another guy friend. Oh well, maybe I'll call him at the end of the month to find out how his classes are going. Maybe. We'll see.

So this weekend I believe I will finally take part in an age old college ritual, I'm going to get raging drunk. Mostly just becaue I haven't done it before. Hopefully this will kill the curiosity. Or just allow me to stop thinking about what it would feel like, because I have never done anything like that beforefore and I would just like to experience this at least once when its still illegal. I mean, yeah its going to be illegal for a couple more years but almostall of my friends have done it (including Nancy) and I want to join in. Yes, I know I'm majorly giving into peer pressure, and putting myself in danger of getting in trouble with the police, but I don't care. Ok I lie. I do care and it does worry me, but then at the same time I think, why should I wait? WAit to have some experience so I know what will happen later. I don't know I think I shall just go out and drink and then think about it later. Whatever.

Word of the Day: quaff \KWOFF; KWAFF\, Transitive verb: To drink with relish; to drink copiously of; to swallow in large draughts. Intransitive verb: To drink largely or luxuriously. Noun: A drink quaffed

Hmmmm mildly ironic, no?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

haha very ironic.

a part of me says DO IT! lol, simply because i have not, nor will i ever drink too much, which is also the part of me that wants to go NOOOOO!!!! lol. One thing i dont think i'll ever do is drink for the sake of drinking because it just seems stupid, pointless, plus im terrified of what i might do or say (and worse yet, not ReMeMbEr what i did or said lol). But there is the curious part of me that wonders what is so great about it (there has to be SoMeThInG) that people drink constantly and thoroughly at these parties.

I guess i havent done much to help you decide lol, though that seems irrelevent as i see you've already decided.

Have Fun
