Sunday, September 11, 2005

The next day

Well hello Ery how was your night? Well it consisted of my getting totally smashed and puking three times. Overall a memory I won't forget, yes I do still have some memory...most of it actually, its just all really fuzzy. But to tell the whole story...I believe the whole story should be told for those who like me before yesterday have never gotten drunk, so that they know what to expect.

Alright well it all started when Timnah called me up from down campus becasue she found a buyer. So Eric and I (Eric is this guyI met who lives in our hall, he is currently sleeping on our chair becasue he didn't go home yesterday) came walking back up. Gave TImnah the money and off her and Cortney went with this random Andy she found. SO they come back with a 24 pack of Budweiser (kay for the record I don't know a damn thing about beer. I jjust know that I drank two Miller high lifes on FRiday night and they were nasty...all I know is that Budweiser apparently has a higher alcohol content...whatever I was too far gone by the time thjey told me that). We snuck the stuff into the room (there is nothing strange about doing a lot of homework at 12 in the morning) and put it in the fridge. Well in the fridge and then one to everyone there. And then we started to drink. I don't like the taste of beer I drank fast, not chug fast but faster than one normally drinks a beer. And thus I guzzled down five in a little over an hour. And let me tell whoever wants to listen after five I was done. I cut myself off, why? becasueI couldn't remember how to swallow, the function was gone...that is why. But to give some more details:

1st: not feeling too much, little happier, Andy left after his first one...I supppose he just stayed to be nice.

2nd: There we go now I know I'm drinking something. I also have amazed everyone by drinking it the fastest. Thought: how long can I beat everyone? Thought: I don' t know lets try.

3rd: I can't specifically remember the third butI think this is when I changed out of my jeans. I just sort of stripped down and put on some shorts...yeah I was still in the lead and I was still doing ok, I should have stopped here but I didn't.

4th: Whoa things are moooooving. I was so not there at this point. I'm a happy drunk we discovered and everything was funny. Like fall on the ground and roll around funny. Nothing was that funny I can tell you that right now, but it seemed like it to me. Again I sooooo should have stopped here...but I was still winning but not by much so I had another one (note to self: do not not not try to out drink people who have done it before and are male...I won't win)

5th: About this time I forgot how to swallow. Which sounds absolutly retarded but I couldn't get the motions right. Like open mouth but keep throat closed...close throat intiate swallow motions...burp becasue thats what beer makes ya do. I don't know I finished the beer but by this point Eric had passed me and Dustin had cut me off. Deep down somewhere I still wanted to keep going but I knew I couldn't. Alright and here is where things got interesting. I was weaving and giggling and I decided to call Josh and Jay. So I did. And Josh laughed at me. And I left a message for Jay. He called me back and I called him back and finally we had a connection. He told me he was gonna get me drunk when I came home for Thanksgiving...I won't lie, I'm excited. I love Jay so much, he just makes me so happy. But anyway. So we hung up andI crawled into the bathroom.

Thats right I had to crawl because I couldn't get up and walk the two steps to get there. ANd then I got sick. I'm just gonna leave the details out but lets just say I went in three times. And on the third time I royally messed up the toilet. This is because I some how managed to take the thing that you put hte toilet paper roll on off ( I was gonna restock the toilet paper) however it slipped out of my hand and straight into the currently flushing toilet...ummm yeah right straight down. The odds of that happening have to be so slim its ridiculous. I literally sat down and thought oh shit...then I started to laugh because I have to admit its pretty funny if you think about it. So I told Dustin who said it would be fine and then I passed out until 11:30 the next day.

When I woke up I was so queasy. It sucked. I had to eat and wanted to just sit and do nothing. I felt so crappy. I felt this way for ummmyeah about 5 hrs. It was no fun. I'm really not looking forward to getting that trashed anytime soon. So I think I might not drink until Thanksgiving when I go out with Jay. Who knows, I just know that it is not fun to loose that much control. I mean yeah I was happy. But I was also all over the place. I was also with people I've only known at the most like three weeks. So maybe it'll be better at an actual party or with people I know. *Shrug*

So the toilet. Yeah its messed up. Ummm its clogged and I'm pretty sure its because of that thing I flushed. TImnah went downstairs to get a plunger...and the guysown there was liek why? So she explained what her "over-beveraged" roomy did and he laughed. He then told her to fill out a work order form. Poor Chuck the maitenance guy, that has to be a majorly sucky job. Oh well.

Thats all.



Anonymous said...


~*Ery*~ said...

Thank you ever so much for that very erm eloquent response.