Thursday, July 06, 2006


19% is the amount of battery I have left on my computer. Its 1:45 in the morning and I have to go to work at 9:30 later today. I don't want to go to bed. I've been wasting time for ooooh two hours or so now. I had a marvelous break over the 4th holiday...and now its back to the grindstone, at least for the next two days. Then its back to Paul's camp for a few days. I love it there. Soooo much fun. His cousin Jeni told me (out of the blue) that they all enjoyed having me there. It was such a relief after the awful dream I had about his family hating me.

Paul and I saw some really awesome rocks today. Sandstome and stuff all layered on top of each other next to the water and cool spires and stuff. It was so cool. I can't explain. Then we ate dinner and paid in quarters and dimes. Haha. Sorry folks, thats all we had! :) I love spending time with him. I really shoulbd go to be soon here. Hmm How Far.


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