Thursday, June 16, 2005

Work Sucks

SO I officially dislike my job right now. COnsider this. I get no paycheck, I get paid approximatly every two to three weeks (whenever the money comes in), I do nothing all day (which rather than being relaxing turns out to be horribly annoying), and my boss (otherwise known as my DAD thinks I can't follow simple instructions. It sucks. I mean I know things could be worse but reallly I hate being here. I'm so bored and lonly most of the time, and getting dressed for work is such a pain. I don't have "office clothing" I have casual and dressy, but those don't usualy falll under office appropriate. I am tiered of gettting to the office at 8 and staying until 5 or geting here at 11:30 and staying until 6. I know now that an office job is not for me. I need to be where I can talk to people but not constantly. I am so glad that I have decided to go into researching/conservation. I'll be with peopple in my field but I won't, hopefully have to be serving them like I did when I waitresesd. I think what I'm really missing here is the formality. THis job lacks any kind of settled feling. Now that could be because its just starting off and its new but really. I'm sharing a desk and the computer doesn't allow for certain kinds of emailing and ugh! So yeah thats my griping from my office desk.


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