Saturday, July 22, 2006

Hugh X 2

Me and Hugh Grant are in the middle of a date. I'm a terrible person. Sitting here typing while while he pours his heart out. Granted he is pouring it out to Annie MacDowell in "Four Weddings and a Funeral"...but thats not the point.

I'm being as pathetic..and unpathetic as possible at the same time. I'm watching sappy movie alone under a fleece blanket. But as a good friend pointed out, I'm not drinking wine coolers or sitting with a box of half used kleenex so I'm not that pathetic.

Thats really about al lI have to say today. Oh and I bought many things I didn't really need today...but I'm very happy about them so its ok. Lets see I got: a pinstripe suit (just need mathing pants for the full three piece effect), 7 pairs of cute underwear (okay Iactually did sort of need these, I believe I only had 14 pairs and some are quite old), a pink nightgown (wanted a nighty for a very long time and I finally found one that fits quite nicely), two pairs of cute sweats (I wanted some of these too), a set of shampoo and conditioner by path and body works (well there was no sense in just getting the one ... ), and a blush and lipstick that were extremely expensive ( I can't really rationalize these, they jus tmade me feel pretty).

I needed some mall time and I had the cash. So I spent the money even though I should have saved the $100. Its ok though, I'm happy.

Word of the Day:
cursory \KUR-suh-ree\, adjective: Hastily or superficially performed


1 comment:

thebenjamins said...

hey,, yeah, I kind of blog when I have the time, I've been really busy lately though.. I'll probably start back up soon though, my friend Jammin's making me look bad.