I noticed something yesterday, though. Fire, a simple thing really, is an absolutly amazing force of nature. I have yet to think of anything that has facsinated MAN for as long as fire has. We used fire as early cave people, thousands and thousands of years ago, and yet when we lit the fie last night everyone stopped to watch. Everyone. If you were inside you came out, and if you were outside you got as close s possible before it got to hot. This gigantic pyre rose up and made at least 30 people stop. Just stop everything they were doing for half on hour so they could stand near each otehr and marvel at he size, heat, and beauty of the fire. Nothing else in this world, that I know has this power over people. Not even the great reaches of space. Is it the destructive perfection that captivates us? Or is it something that we can't describe, even in our momentsof complete lucidity? I can't decide. But I do know that fire is amazing, and I'm glad that if anything will always make me stop and stare...something so perfect, beautiful, and destructive is that thing.
Ok. We sing at these bonfres. Always. It usually happens around midnight and lasts for several hours. Its absolutely amazig. We all gaher around a piano and Cat plays her violin and anyone who wants to play anything else does, and then we sing. We sing showtunes, and popular oldies, and just about anything, for about 2 hrs. and its so relieveing. Relieving to know that everyone there has the same feelings about music as I do. For almost everyone there music is more than just a nice sound, its a mode of expression and it is so powerful. I love music. Soothes the savage beast they say. It also provides an outlet for whateve I'm feeling. *Sigh*
After singing we all just sat in the living room and talked. Aboot whatever came to mind. We tell stories and laugh and basically just, enjoy one anothers company. After talking for oh say 4 hours, the sun rises and we realize that we talked all night (as is usually the assumption of what will happen) and we decide to go to an early morning mass. This has to be one of my favorite masses of the entire year. We've stayed up all night getting to know each other and now we are sharing this gathering of God's people, as His children and its heartwarming. After that its breakfast time and then back to Elisabeth's house for a half hour doze before going home to sleep at 10am. Thus putting me at a whopping 23 hrs of no sleep. A personal record...I'm so proud. As Elisabeth's mom said when she left us at 3..."Oh the wonders of youth"

So I have to thank Sam for this. He insists it was just boredom...but it fits the phrase, "turn my black roses red?" perfectly. And that makes me happy. Hmmm mmmmm mmm I'm in a good, albeit slightly sleepy, mood.
Word of the Day: fus-ty : adj 1.)Saturated with dust and stale odors. Musty.
Hmmm, this sounds like a made up word. Granted I didn't get it from t same source as usual but its a word. I don't like it.
P.S. Do you really need the comments? I mean, are you writing and posting for them, or for you?
I dont like this fact about myself but i am the kind of person who needs to hear what i think is good, or bad for that matter. i can say i dont care what people think, and for all purposes i really dont. i mean what people say doesnt change who i am, i just have this need to know what they think regardless. So, in order to be writing for myself, i need to get comments cuz thats just who i am.
and on to YOUR post, fire friggin rocks. i had a few friends over a couple nights ago and i was playing with on of my lighters (i have many that i tried to sell for prophet, but it didnt work, and no i dont smoke, nor wiill i ever, im just a pyromaniac) and i burned myself so bad, it was so painful, but i dont even care, i just LOVE fire. i am actually amazed at how quickly it healed. seriously not 24 hours after i got the burn (which was white and [so i thought] sure to blister)it was completely healed, and it doesnt look like anything happened.
alright thats enough of a rant for today
lol i actually got her the rose for 7 months, and took the pic that day, i just lost the pic in the mix and found it again recently, we're going on 8 months in like a week, im so essited.
p.s. that milk idea is odd but ill give it a shot next time i burn myself
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