Saturday, August 06, 2005

Post Work

So after work today...well yesterday...anyway, I went with Jen to the swim team's party. And teh lady at the gate wouldn't let us in! No seriously first we pull up to the stop sign and stop and she just looks at us. So we sit there and finally she's like 'Can I help you?' no thanks we're just sitting here for the fun of it, really). So we tell her our names and why we're there and she tells us that there is no party, we aren't on teh list, and we can go across the street to Kroger's to call someone. Gee, thanks. OS we go to the Kroger's parking lot and start calling peopleto find Taryn's cell phone. The calls went something like this Me -->Jackie, Me --> Jay, Me --> Mrs. Jackie's Mom, Mrs. Jackie's Mom -->Me, Me-->Taryn's old house #, Me --> Taryn's new house #, Me --> Taryn's cell. This only took ten minutes or so was ridiculously hard to get a hold of Taryn. But we did so she met us at the gate where the cranky lady told us she looked on the wrong sheet and suprise suprise! We were on the right list the whole time. So yeah we finaly get in and then we ate and everyone but Jen and I went swimming...we played mommy and cleaned everything up and "had a chit-chat". It was cool. We left around 5 and got stuck in rush hour traffic.

Then we went to Mike's house where we sat in his room and him and Jen cuddled and I watched...but not in a weird way, just cause that's how they are. And then Mike bit my shoulder. Just because he said he he did. I squealed. Which was dumb and then I felt stupid and was glad we were leaving

Jen and I then went to the Master's Swim Team thing that she had to lifeguard for. Al the other lifeguards tha are her friends were doingit so I joined and got my butt kicked. Yeah. I'm so out of shape. I couldn't finish a 4000 yd set...which is an average practice length. It was cool though because I beat Mark, who isone of the make lifeguards, in yardage so i felt good (because deep down, I love beatng boys).

After that Jen and I went to get Mike and get some pizza. After that we went and dropped Amber and Corinne off at home and then drove with Liz to go with us to Mark's to get jen's cell phone charger and then to the video store to rent two movies that we didn't watch. No point in doing that really just an excuse if we had to stay at Mike's house long during the poker game. Yeah, Jen and I don't d othe whole poker scene so we were just gonna chil upstairs in Mike's room till we decided to go home. Oh wow though I totally had a weird moment though. When we got back from the video store we went down to Mikes basement to see who was there and saw hi and stuff. And the first personI see when we walk into the poker area is Romney. So what do I do? I look down. Like an idiot. So then I look up because I don't want to be stupid and just embarassed over something dumb. And then he waved (to all of us, but it felt like just me...even though I know deep down it wasn't, I guess I sort of wanted it to be which is just wrong.) and I waved back in a very general "hi whatever" sort of way to the entire room. I was very proud of that little bit of nonchalance that made up for the previous looking down incident.

After that we went to Mike's room to watch the moies but Liz left and then we went to Jacque's for a bonfire. It was nice...I was the only girl since Jen left and it was a little weird. Then it was almost 1 and Mike and Mullet were my escorts home so I left to. now I'm here and thats the end. Mullet said my house looked like it should have gargoyles on it...I think I agree. Gargoyes might be cool.

No its not. I waited all night for Brendan to call (which is stupid because a) I can call him and b) who says he has to call everyday?). And since he didn't now I'm gonna call tomorrow since I finally have stuff to tell him unlike my usual: "Nothing I'm just sitting here like a lump" standard reply. Ah well doesn't really matter. I'm off to bed though. Its so late. 1:34 by the time this was done. Oy beeeeed!!!


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