Wednesday, August 17, 2005

I'm the Word of the Day... :\

So I think I should comment on why I called Brendan a stupid head. Because prior to that post all sounds good. And thought it was. But then..there was a weekend. And something happened then. I don't know what becuse I haven't talked to him yet. And we were supposed to have a date on Monday. Thats right I last talked to him on Friday. Its now wed. and I got stood up on monday. So yeah I called him on Monday around 6 to see if we were still going out and his phone rang once and then went to voicemail. Which I have to say seems suspicious, if only because thats what happens when you hit the ignore button. Which is only worrisome because I want to know why there would be a reason for him to ignore my call, especially if we had sometng scheduled, yes it was a very general planning but still. I don't know. Nancy said that if he was out with a nother girl I couldn't really be mad since we aren't really exclusive, but I really just want to know what's going on. Ah well. I guess I'll have to cal him and find out. Its annoying. I don't even want to date him. I have finally come to the conclusion that I really just want to use him for that thrill that I get when we kiss. And its funny because Mike was saying something to Romney yesterday about Nancy and I leaving soonand wanting to hook up with as many people as ppossible before we leave...and I was suprised to realize that it was sorta true. Not tatI would jump anyone with a a penis, but I'm really not being terribly selective rigt now. So, hmmm. I don't know.

On a semi related topic I talked to Jeff today about the Axe commercials. The one I really like had these three different girls on three differnt floos pole dancing on this pipe and on the top floor is this guy showering with Axe soap. And I love that commercial. One of the girls is totally upside down and I want to be her. How cool. Jeff hates the commercial but I insisted that if I met a guy who was wearing Axe there would be some sitting close and flirting going on, because that stuff is awesome. Hmmmm I looooove when a guy smells really good.

Devynn and I had a sisterly talk about drinking today. It was nice I warned her against straight up vodka and told her she could always talk to me if she didn't want to talk to our parents. Because I know how hard it can be to be honest with them. Even thugh they are really easy going about the whole thing. Its hard to ruin an image they might have about you. But yeah that was nice.

Word of the Day: dilatory \DIL-uh-tor-ee\, adjective: 1. Tending to put off what ought to be done at once; given to procrastination. 2. Marked by procrastination or delay; intended to cause delay; -- said of actions or measures.

Hmmm I read this while I was "taking a break" from the office work that I so rarely have to do. I took it as a sign that I should probably not be reading my emails and get back to I did.


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