Wednesday, August 17, 2005


Hee hee my title is like some cool little local restaurant where you go to experience local color. Anyway. Nancy Jen and I hung out today. That never happens. But it was cool because we went to Mike's house and hung out with everybody and I think Nancy understand a little bit better when I tell her stuff about them and what goes down. But to start at the very beginning (sing with me, "a very good place to start").

So when Nancy got to my house Jen and I were trying to get rid of this random bee's nest on my front porch chair. I don't know why its there and no one noticed it, but it is and we were trying to eliminate it with OFF and not the proper way of killing bees. After we killed one (this is after much screaming and running down the steps to avoid any angry swarms) I decided that the wis ething to do would be to call my dad, you know the ex-exterminator, and tell him about it so he could take care of it. The first thing he said was leave it alone...ok well we already shot that direction to hell but we could abide with it for a little while longer. So Nancy finally gets there and we go to Rite-Aid. Partly because Jen needed Sour Straws (we are conniseurs, sp?) and partly because Rite-Aid is 24 hrs and we would go there to kill time.

Then we went to Mike's house and met up with Mullet, Amber (who are finally going out and it makes my day because its about time and they are so cute together), Romney (shit he still gives me frickin buterflies and I want to shoot myself in the head but more on that later), Mike (duh) and Spencer. We got there and I gave Nancy the fastest tour room, dining room, Mike's room, Vince's room, bathroom, kitchen, basement... some of this was as we walked into the room and some was just pointing. We go to the basement chill there for a while then leave to go downtown. Why? There is nothing to there...but its something to do and its close enough to walk which is always fun so we take off. And its me, Nancy, Mike, Mullet, Spencer, and Romney. Jen decided to drive and so its us 6 and then 7 when Jimmy joins us (he got a tatoo of our state on his arm which is weird but really cool. Jimmy is my bud..I love him to death). So we walk downtown and yeah. Then we sit at he gazebo/fountain thing for awhile, decide we're thirsty but can't get into the bars because we are all too young to buy anything anyways and go to Tim Hortens. We get stuff. Then its off to Rite-Aid again. This time I really don't know why we went because Nancy, Jimmy, and I didn't even leave the car. But yeah thats where we were. And then its back to Mike's house to be in the basement until 1am when his mom kicked everyone out. Which was ok since I had to get home soon anyway.

That sounds so nice and boring. But it wasn't. Those are some of my favorite nights, when we all just hang out at Mike's and stuff because now that The Guys are nice to us they are really quite funny, vulgar (and they make me mildly vulgar, or rather I can say what's on my mind I think. Becuase sometimes I hold back because I don't want people to peg me as a certain way, but with them I know that *a. they won't think too far into what I say and *b.they know that I'm not a foul mouthed slut so its okay and I get some swearing out around them and don't feel bad.) but funny. I mean we all just chill and squeeze onto Mike's one basement couch and around all the crap that is in the little room we have to sit in and just talk and laugh. I'm gonna miss The Guys. I never thought I'd say that but I'm gonna miss them. Awwww.

Now to that "Romney gives me butterflies" crap. Ok I believe in some past post I mentioned that I regret letting Romney go. And I still do but its just annoying at the moment because when I hear he is going to be somewhere I get all happy and yea he's gonna be there and blah. Its dumb because now I know that he smokes and does other stupid things that I don't want anything to do with, but he's so...I don't know. We get along really well and lets just leave it at I already know that the chemistry's there. Like, today, we were all on Mike's couch and it was Jen Mike Nancy me Romney Mullet. Yeah I was totally excited to be all squished with him. Except now I'm like...what do I do with my arms, because I can't look like I'm afraid of him, or avoiding him but I also can't look like I want to get with him (not that it matters since everyone knows that I already did and I can't get away from the jokes and the disbelief...alright, I kinda like that I made out with some random guy and now they make fun of me but still). So I decided to put my right arm out straight on top of my leg and then cross my left arm over and hold my right elbow...thus sending an open but not encouraging stance. And he's right there. And I wanted to rest my head on his shoulder because it was there and arrrrgh I am just arrrgh having trouble expressing this! Stupid stupid. So then all of a sudden his hand is near where my left one is. And the fingers of our hands are touching. And then he taps my fingers, just lightly, no one else saw...but seriously, give me a second alone with him and I would have encouraged something. I don't know waht...a tap bac, the head on the shoulder. a smouldering look, I don't know just encouraged. Not good. Although, maybe thats just what I need right now. Some random play to get my mind off stupid head Brendan who hasn't called me back. Different story. Anyway the point is that I want to explore those feelings for Romney and I can't because I panicked and messed it all up. Damn regrets. I hate them. Oh do I ever hate them.

Words of the day in the post to follow since there are like 5.


P.S. I swear the pink on the Romney bit has nothing to do with affection's color or anything, it just happened that way, honest. I rolled my eyes whe I saw it.

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