Thursday, August 04, 2005

Survey type thing to keep me busy at Work

10 years ago: August 1995 - Lets see I was 8 so I was probably hanging with the Jenna And Pamela still. Oh the good ole days of toughened feet and playing for hours.

5 years ago: August 2000 - 13. Getting ready for 8th Grade. woot woot. I think that was the summer I started shaving my legs and bleeding from the uterus. Damn Aug. 2000.

1 year ago: August 2004-17. Powderpuff practice!! We won! practice was the best, even though we never did get a traditional mud fight we rocked on game day!!

Yesterday: August 2005-18. Worked, went to the library, watched almost all of Cruel Intentions but got fed up and left in the last 15 mins, talked to Brendan, read in my basement for two hours. Actually though I saw Ann and Alison (Ann is ahalf of this lebian couple who live around my block...Alison is their adoptive daughter) and they are so nice. Alison was telling me about how she loves politics and is good at talking to people...she's gonna be so well informed as an adult.

Today: August 2005-18. Slept till 10:11 (bliss) did some chores, read, now I'm at work.

Tomorrow: Work, maybe a swim party. Don't know if I'll be able to go yet though.

5 snacks I enjoy: Chips (anything salty and crunchy'll do), baby carrots, ice cream!!!, fruits (especially berries), umm duh chocolate.

5 bands that I know the lyrics of MOST of their songs: Hot Hot Heat, Yellow Card, Jewel (ok I don't listen to a lot of bands persay so this is now artists), Reba McIntyre, Bryan White

5 things I would do with $100,000,000: Stow away cash for college, stow away cash for both my siblings college, buy cars for my fam, hire a contractor/intrior designer to fiinsh the house, donate to a palce researching Alzheimer's

5 locations I'd like to run away to: Greece, Kalamazoo, Alaska, Paris, Russia

5 bad habits I have: Nail biting (I haven't bit in almost a week though so I'm being cured), obsessing over little things, procrastinating like no other, lack of motivation to do anything (sort of like procrastination, but at the end I just don't do it), not thinking before I do things (oddly contrasting to the obssisng I don't always think things through)

5 things I like doing: Reading, going to the cheap show w/Nancy, eating gravy (not allone but its soooo good sometimes) making snow angels, kissing Brendan (teeeheehee)

5 things I would never wear: Tapered jeans, plaid shorts...I just can't do it, a mohawk (yes that counts), a toe ring, a tennis dress (they are weird because its all one thing and I can't deal with it)

5 TV shows I like:Gilmore Girls, Wildfire, The Nanny, Drake and Josh, Jeopardy ( when I'm right)

5 movies I like:Fight Club (read it, see it), THe Princess Bride, Phantom of the Opera, Boondock Saints, Ever After

5 famous people I'd like to meet: Maya Angelou, Oprah, Eminem (I foster this deep dark love of him and his songs..very people know this), Quentin Tarantino, and those one of the two brothers in Boondock Saints (don't care whichI just want to touch him)

5 biggest joys at the moment: Playing with my hair, spinning in my desk chair, wearing skirts, going to bed at midnight, kissing Brendan (I'm a little obsessed)

5 favorite toys: My laptop that I get in three weeks, my cute little red cell phone, paper dolls, the office supplies on my desk, mom's bike (gets me everywhere within 8 miles)

Well now that was fun. I have nothing to do now. Ah well


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