Thursday, January 05, 2006

I need to Post more Often

I have to say: I am a bad blogger and should be punished, becaus eIhave not kept up with my posting duties. Heehee. Anywho. This is really a continuation as to why the end of semester sucked so much. Because it didn't hend there, unfortunately. Oh where to start.

1.) Okay, we'll start with the biggest and first issue that occured. I shall set the scene. Its Saturday night, the night of Marc's going away party in the dorms. I have just finished a six hour shift, I'm tired, pretty much sick of people, I'm being required, practically, to go over to Marc's for some drunken revels, I miss my boyfriend, I want a hug, and I'm basically just feeling pissy. So, the mood is set. I'm talking to Paul online, basic venting and complaining when out of the blue he says: "wow this is weird, Timnah is laying into me" (or something to that effect). Now mind you, Timnah is right next to me practicaly and she has given no indication that she is talking to Paul or that she has any issue with him. So I ask him to elaborate. He says that she says (this is really quite ridiculous sounding when it is all typed out) that "he changes me, makes her feel uncomfortable, and left out of everything". She made it abundently clear, to him at least, that he was unwelcome and unappreciated in both hers and Cortney's eyes. This is quite a statement for one's roomy to be making, while saying nothing to her roommate (me). But I remain quiet as per Paul's request so he can try and talk to her himself first and try and figure everything out. Around this time Marc comes barreling in (as we all do) and wondering when Timnah and I are coming over. I say my good byes to Paul and leave. Timnah states that she is "having a serious conversation" and will be in later. So I go to Marc's feeling like shit (sorry) and basically just wanting to get the night over with and forgotten. So the drinking begins (stupid stupid stupid stupidest reason to drink). Timnah comes in about a half hour later, stays for half an hour and then leaves to go somewhere else. Now, I would just like to mention that this party has been in the plans for about three weeks, so she basically dumped us all to go to some one else's party. Long story short, I drank too much too fast talked to Paul drunk and went to bed. Managed to get up and go to work the next day w/o a hangover (yea!) and then came home feeling just as crappy as I had the day before after hearing what Timnah had to say from Paul. So I go back to the room, talk to Cortney about what Timnah said and went to Church (Cortney was resonable, said she loved Paul to death and didn't really feel that strongly towards anything Timnah had said). I'm now waiting for Timnah to get home so I can talk to her. She gets home and we "talk". Its in quotes because she basically shot me down. With her there is a point, where she won't really converse with you unless she wants to, and it was clear she didn't really want to have the conversation with me. She basically said that Paul overreacted, he does change me, and that I shouldn't worry my pretty little head about it. As we sat in silence she turned it all around and asked if I was going to sit around and be mad at her. I said "No, but it hurts that you talked to my boyfriend first before me." and she said that "it just came up with him, you weren't here and I knew as soon as I said something you would hear about it from him...but I figured we could just talk it out later" I would just like to point out that that is a bold faced lie. I was in the room while they discussed it. She said nothing and I had to bring the subject up. She LIED TO ME and that, is the big issue here. I just nodded, said ok, and left it alone. In hindsight I probably should have questioned her. But we'll just see how things will work out. I'll just note, that I am still upset over this, and I don't know how this next semester is going to work out. I'm basically holding a grudge, I don't like it, but I also don't like being lied to. I don't really know what to do about it. Going with my old stand by...the flow, going with the flow.

2.) I had a crappy sleep schedule the week of exams. Sunday I was up till 2 talking all the above crap out with Paul, and then didn't et to bed till three just due to my own dilly dallying in getting into bed. At about 5 am Cortney came in and had an emotional break down for an hour. Weeee. Monday I ended up sleeping on Pat's loveseat downstairs because Timnah was having a screaming fight with her ex in our room. Needless to say, loveseats are not built to be slept on. Tuesday preceeded with no interuptions and I got to sleep in, I had plenty of sleep. Which resulted in my being awake till 3 on Wednesday night trying to sleep. And then finals were done and I was relieved.

3.) Christmas came. It was fun. I missed my love, but I dealt.

4.) Paul came down for New Years! Yea! It was great. He was here for a total of 5 days and he met lots of people and we had a lots of cuddling and I love him so much, and wish I could have gone back up north with him. I missed him so much, and I'm goning to be missing him a lot by the time I go back up there too.

5.) Marc, Nancy, Jackie, Timnah, and I are all going to see a pro basketball game before school starts. It should be very fun. I'm excited to see how Marc and Nancy get along since they have both confided that they have a slight crush on the other...but neither knows that (heehee).

Ok. So I got through everything. Its not too lngthy, except for the first story, but yeah thats a whole bunch of drama.

Lots of love and Good Wishes for the New Year,