Thursday, June 26, 2008


Gah! WHy does it take me months (literally) to post in this thing!?! Quick points to list off and describe.

1. I'm sunburned.

Why is it that I am sunburned? I'll tell you. Because silly me thought "Its really nice out. I'll go to beach for a littl ebit. Since I can only be there 1 hour, sunscreen will be unnecessary" Cut to me all sunburned on my back. Dumb. But the beach was absolutely wonderful! THe sun was shining, there was a warm, gentle breeze blowing, and the water was just lapping at the sand. Perfect. Unfortunately the water is also freeeeezing. Since we had such a long winter (snow until April, frost warnings until late May) the water hasn't had a chance to warm up at all. Normally by the end of June I'm in the lake swimming around. Not this year. So far I've made it about 4 steps out (up to my knees) and then my feet get so cold they start to hurt and I have to run back to shore feeling like an idiot for even trying.

2. My official summer is finally about to begin.

Yup yup. I have a test today in Intro to Film and then I am officially off scott-free. THank God. I love both of my classes this summer, but sometimes you just need a break. Also, I think the schedule of classes is enough to wear a person out. I mean, for a job you just go in for a spcific amount of time then go home. Classes start and stop with weird little intervals between them. Not enough time to get much done, but just enough time that you don't feel like staying on campus.

3. A quick note about FLYing.

I'm...still barely fluttering. My downstairs is neater (read: less cluttered) but I've pooped out on the babysteps. I got caught up in all the other stuff that I have to do, that I stopped doing them. Especially my morning routine. I liked it, I just stopped doing it. I'm not sure why, I just did. *Shrug* I think I'll just keep trying an eventually I'll get it. Maybe a calendar would help. DOn't know. I'm gonna start back up today though. I think I'll do part of my home blessing (its hard for me to do a whole hour at a times, so I've been splitting it up throughout the week.) I did clean up my dresser though. All by myself. It took 5 minutes to get the top looking more presentable, and I think if I do it again today I might even get it cleared off completely. Then I can re decorate it so it brings joy into the room when I look at it...YEA!!

4. I got a job at Super 8 as a front desk clerk!

Its so exciting because this is the first job that actually goes with my future plans towards a career. A bit of background info on "the 8" THe owner/manager/ is Jackie and she is super (pardon the pun) nice. SHe does all the scheduling herself, but gives us the fredom to switch shifts if needed. Matt is the first guy I worked with. He is a huge slacker and does just enough to not get himself fired, and that is it. He's really nice, but I can tell that he just doesn't care. DUstin, is the other guy I worked with. REally nice and motivated enough to care about what happens. He showed me all kinds of cool things on the computer and plus he's a huge food lover! Yea! His girlfriend, Armonda is really sweet too. She has this teeny tiny soft voice but she's absolutely hilarious. Paula is the girl whose place I'm taking (woot woot, for someone else calling her back!) The housekeepers seem nice, buts its definitly something I don't ever want to do. Ummm.... that's it on that front

5. Paul still hasn't seen anyone.

I don't want to nag him, but I still get worried that he doesn't have anyone to talk to. I mean, he could talk to me, but he doesn't want to. I worry that he's back to just hiding it away again because he seems more withdrawn. He's fallen back on old habits like not talking to me about work unless I expressly ask him and he's been really reticent about everything. Grr. Everything was getting so much better. Katie said something to me yesterday about how I might be resenting the time he spends bowling and golfing because I don't think he spends enough quality time with me. I hate to admit it...but I think she's right. I don't feel like he wants to do fun activities with me that are fun for both of us. He'd rather do fun things with his friends and then just watch t.v. with me. I enjoy watching telvision, but if that's the only thing we can do with each other, why bother? I can watch t.v. alone, I don't need a friend to do it with. I need a friend who will go try new things and do old activites with. I hate when I have to bring these things up. I feel like such a bitch. But I love him, and don't want to lose him over silly problems.

I wish I had more to talk about, but life has just kind of been cruising along lately. Nothing special happening or changing. Hopefully I'll get home in August this year. It kind of depends if the overage check comes through. I hate financial aid. Get this, over 8K has been put towards my account...and yet they haven't given me word of my overage. Even though I already paid for last year which is the year the financial aid was for. Stupid school.

Lots of Love,