Saturday, October 25, 2008

My Decisions

So...Paul and I started having sex. Talk about a big development since the last post.

The birth control/sex thing is definitly a big development in the whole "life" experience. Especially with the whole waiting idea. But I think Paul and I reached this point where the not-doing was worse in the sense that we began to resent the other person. I think we both felt a disconnect sexually since nothing was happening with both people at the same time. It was one person got attention and what they liked and then the other person. It wasn't fair to either of us. Especially since the line we'd drawn in the sand kept getting pushed back and faded. By the time we did have sex it wasn't surprising or even a big deal. It literally just happened. We were both ok with it and then that was that. Now the question has become what birth control to use.

Lots of Love,
