Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Spring is in the Air

Spring is in the air
Everywhere I look around!

Yea for Spring-time weather! Its so amazing the way people's moods have changed over the past few weeks. Everyone is smiling more and just generally in better moods. It's as if the sun just woke up our smiles (cheesy to the extreme). I just love it. Even though the temperature has been fickle (50s one day but low teens the next) it is just so exciting to see the snow melting. Granted, we are all still holding out for the April 1st snow day, but I don't think anyone would be truly disappointed if it didn't happen. The sidewalks are clear, except for the sand that is leftover and waiting for the next snow/ice storm, and I can see grass!! I'm waking up to birds singing again, its marvelous!

I don't think anyone could really understand this feeling unless they live in a northern locale that experiences the same long winters as us. Don't get me wrong, I love snow, and ice skating, and scarves, but after awhile it gets to be too much. The snow gets dingy, by ankles get bruises from my skates, and my scarves start feeling like nooses that just need a tree to finish the job. Not to mention the exhaustion that comes with the mere thought of getting dressed to go outside on the most blustery of days. I mean: undergarments, tights, long sleeve shirt, sweater, thick jeans, coast, mittens, hat, hood, scarf to hold on hood and keep face warm AND keep the snow out of my coat. And then...the first step is still a shock. You sit in your car and freeze while the car is "warming up" only to have to get out as soon as heat starts coming out of the heater. Trudge to your destination and promptly start sweating once you get in the door because you are so bundled up and shivering. Its enough to make a person go crazy by the fourth month.

In any event, spring is here!! Its exciting and wonderful and I'm so happy about it.

Lots of Love,

P.S. How does one see spring in the air?

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Its about my stupid email. It won't work! Apparently it is too big? I don't know jack about the internet so this is very frustrating. I can check my email through iGoogle, but I can't specifically get to Gmail. This wouldn't be such a pain if I didn't have a signature that I would prefer didn't go to my official contacts. Grrrr.

Ok, so Paul and I aren't in a cruddy cycle. It's more just a cycle that keeps getting eaier to deal with. We got in yet another fight about how I feel about he treats me. That being said, I'm not being mistreated or hurt in any way. My consistant feeling is one of having my feelings ignored or just not recognized. I feel sometimes like Paul doesn't really pay attention to my moods or perceive what I'm feeling. In his defense I'm not the most verbal about what's wrong. My reason behind that is that after 3 years I feel like there are somethings he should just pick up on. We talked. So far things have been better. I told him I needed to see long term, consistent efforts towards being attentive and in return I will continue trying to verbally express my feelings to him. We love each other and that's really the most important part to the whole equation. The trick is expressing that love.

Lots of Love,

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Here we are again

I feel like Paul and I are in some cruddy cycle.

Thursday, March 05, 2009

Do you see ME?

I like the fortunes in fortune cookies and I take some stock in them. As cryptic and random as I know they are, I want to believe in them. Its the same thing that make me believe my horoscope and know deep down that if I get a prayer for the day in my email it really does have to do with me. I think its tied to my belief in a higher being, but then...its more than that. I feel like fortune cookie fortunes are like intuition: something we get regularly but aren't paying enough attention to so we aren't able to use it to our advantage. I don't think anyone knows this about me. Its a silly thing, really. But I feel like it's important. Its one of those things that in a book if I were being described...I'd want that in there. I think it says something about me.

The same way I think its important that every door to the outside have a doormat of some sor ton the inside. Some of it functional (like the one for the door most used) but also for decoration (for the door seldom used). I think they make the house look cozy. They make me think of little houses built into the prairie ground in the 1800's. I don't know why. They just do.

What makes a person unique? Is it their aptitude at learning tasks, or is it the little things like believing in fortune cookies and door mats in front of doors that makes us different from every other person? Sometimes I feel like those little things get lost in the search for the aptitudes and qualifications and expectations. I like fluffy little plants and listening to birds sing really early in the morning. You can't fit those things into a quantifiable measurement. They just are. I also refuse to wake up early to hear the birds sing and i'm not much of a green thumb with fluffy little plants (or any plants in general)...but that doesn't matter. If I'm up I'll listen to the birds and I'll smile and probably go get some hot cocoa and wish for a front porch with a rocking chair. If I get a fluffy plant I'll do my best to make it grow. I have doormats at all my doors and one in my kitchen because it makes my feet feel nice when I do dishes. I keep fortunes until they fall apart or just distract me by sitting in my pocket. I feel unique. Do others think I'm unique? I honestly don't know.

Lots of Love,

Monday, March 02, 2009

First of Many

I was going to say that this is the first of many days of work until I get a real day off, but technically it's not true. Technically, that day was last Monday. So this is actually day 7 of ... a lot? At least 24. I'm pretty sure I have 3/20 off. But then its right back to work on the 21st so not that big a deal. I'm not complaining. In fact, it really good that I'm working. I mean, times suck. I have two jobs when a lot of people can't keep one. And in May I'll be down to one again. So its a good thing to get the hours now while I can. but man, does it suck to be sitting at a desk when you could be sitting in bed or on the couch. Or just doing something productive in general. Here I'm trying to pace out my actual work so that I can have something to do everyday. I have graded tests, taken down attendance records, and copied study guides. Tomorrow I will probably finish attendance and maybe, just maybe I might copy and collate some tests.

Plus aside from the lack of real work I've got cramps to distract me. I'll get into a groove and a really comfy typing or reading position and then the knife comes back and I have to rearrange myself until it goes away. Which it isn't doing. Damn ibuprofen, it is not helping right now.

On the upside...Its time for me to punch out!! Woo hoo!

Lots of Love,

P.S. Okay, so maybe I complained a little bit. Overall I really am happy to be getting paid!! :)