Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Doing So Well

So many posts in a row and then nothing. I'm trying.

Its been 12 days now since I had my ParaGard inserted and its been awesome so far. It caused me a bit of pain for about a week, but nothing that a Pamprin a day didn't take care of. I did have a really sharp pain around the time that I ovulated though which was new and completely caught me off guard. It was like I had been stabbed with a knife, and then it was gone. So weird. One of the strangest things that happened though was I started to smell like a penny! It was so bizarre, it makes sense (since ParaGard has copper on it) but it was still kind of strange. Now i'm just waiting for my first period. We shall see.

I had a great time in St. Louis recently. I had never been so it was interesting to see a city that was such a big part of thing like western expansion and the Lewis and Clark mission. The big. If I ever figure out how to get pictures from my phone onto my computer I'll post the only pictures I have from the trip. The only down side was spending 6 hours in a hospital with Katie and her face infection. Luckily she's ok, and everyone was super nice, but a hospital is a hospital and never any fun. Our underage folks would argue that it was as good as going to Toronto since the bar we went to didn't card and served everyone. Safe environment, less walking. It was pretty cool.

Today was my last class before Spring Break. I wish I could be more excited, but all I'm doing is picking up more hours for work. woohoo. Well, Work = $ and I need $ for upcoming stuff. Therefore, I need to work. Boo.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Long, Long Day

Ugh, what a weekend. Yes...ugh. Tiring, stressful, and not pain-free. My Saturday at work was insanely busy. We had a full house, which was awesome for the hotel in general, but crappy for the single desk worker (me).

Let me lay it down real quick:
1) We are a pet-free hotel, and yet people sneak pets in all the time. Sometimes we catch them, sometimes we just see the evidence. Like Saturday when someone let their dog crap in the middle of the main hallway and then left it there for someone to step into and track down the hall.
2) Groups are great, and fun, and entertaining. High schoolers are loud and push boundaries. Its in the nature of being a high schooler on a trip. It drives me nuts when they can't close doors quietly or get out of my lobby so I can have five minutes of peace. I love 'em for coming and being youthful...I hate them for being loud and not understanding social constraints that surround a hotel yet.
3) Toilets and bodily functions were not my friend. Two toilets backed up and one kid puked on his bed. I am the only hotel employee on at night until 11pm. That sucks big time for helping people. Normally its not a big deal, but with the aforementioned kids in the lobby and a full gets really hard to help people and even care.

Luckily I got a free pizza out of the deal and wine at a friend's house later. Thank God, because with the way I was feeling I needed to sit down. 8 Hours on my feet was not a happy day for my new friend.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Aaaand...the Day has Arrived

Today was the day. And I'm officially 98-99% baby proof for about 10 years. Woot! I'm also holed up in my apartment in fear of debillitating cramps. I guess its just part of the price to pay. Actually the whole procedure went a lot smoother than I anticipated. I was in an out of the doctor's office in about 30 minutes. I didn't faint, feel sick, or even need to hold anyone's hand. The Doctor said I did incredible and then gave me a hug which was awesome. I had just met her and she just seemed so happy for me and I think she may just know that a hug was just what I needed. I didn't feel shakey or dizzy, but a hug, even a brief half hug from a virtual stranger (who consequently had already seen all there was to see) really hit the spot. It made the whole thing feel less clinical and more personal. It was like a friend was helping me, not some lady I was paying to provide a service.

Today I've been stuck at home. Its kind of like when I had the flu two weeks ago. Except, now I have been living with ibuprofen and a heating pad. They are my best friends. I don't know what I'm going to do when its bed time. I'm hoping that my body will use the time to start to regulate itself and stop feeling so ornery.

I can't wait for Paul to come home. He had bowling tonight and plans to go out to the bar to hear a band afterwards. Part of me is a little annoyed that he isn't coming home tonight, since I'm sitting here in pain due to something that is for both of us, but on the other hand I'm no fun right now and he deserves to have a day to hang out with friends. I'm also annoyed because I can't go out with him. Its one of the weekends that I'm working nights and so is he so I could go out, but I just feel crappy. Plus I'm fairly certain 800 mg Ibuprofen does not mix with any alcohol. (Not saying I couldn't not drink...but it happens). I'm hoping too that him going out tonight won't effect him feeling alert sometime before 1:30 tomorrow. I mean, its Valentine's Day and we both have to work at night. I'm still hoping that a breakfast in bed will happen but it doesn't sound like its gonna happen. I'll find out tomorrow I guess.

Well, its either off to bed or the bars with me (I might just risk the outside world to avoid going completely stir crazy!) In any event, I'm sure the night can only get better :)

Lots of Love,

A Thrilling Thursday

So...its 1am and all I want is to hear "My Humps." Welcome to the end of $4 Cosmo night! After MUN we've been trying to do a little girls' time at a local bar that has cheep Cosmos. And its been wonderful. The only thin is, we couldn't find "My Humps" and that's all we wanted to hear. Yes, this is a tipsy post. And yes, I had a marvelous time today. It was just what I needed. A night out with friends after an incredibly easy day.

I worked for a few hours then came home for a nap. Paul was so sweet, we were supposed to nap, but he is always so concerned about me getting sleep that he tucked me in and let me sleep. I slept for about 2 hours and it was the perfect amount. Just what I needed to get me through the rest of the day.

After my nap I went shopping with Cortney. It was fun, but a little strained. I feel like we're still trying to get back to that pre-Timnah fiasco friendship and its hard. Maybe we were never as close as we thought we were. Maybe it was just college/proximity that pushed us together. I'm not sure. But we'll see. I like Cortney and we'll see if it is supposed to be a long-term in depth friendship. Not worried.

MUN. Fun as usual. I'm sad its over for this year. Possibly forever. Tears later.

Cosmos were fun. We reminisced about the time Katie sang "My Humps" and then craved McDonald's. So off we went. Since the inside was closed we went through the drive-through and then sat in the parking lot listening to the radio and just rocking out in general. So we've got, Lauren, Katie, Karl, Leah, Tom and myself wishing and praying that our request will go through before our food runs out. It did not. :( Ah Well. We had fun and that's really what matters the most.

Tomorrow I get my Paragard. YEA!!! I'm so excited and I just can't wait for it to be done and settled. I want to be done worrying about it and "seeing what will happen." Tomorrow I'll know. Yes!

Now I'm waiting for Paul to come home. I want kisses :)

Lots of Love,

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Had the most wonderful dream last night. I was on a plane trip to Hawaii. And not just an average was a little private puddle jumper that flew as smooth as could be. Plus it came with amazing food in flight. It was great! And then I woke up and was 45 minutes late for class.

I want to be back on the plane to Hawaii.

I also want to go swimming in the lake. But it just too damn cold :( Maybe that's why Hawaii popped into my head last night. Warm place with warm water and plenty of room to swim.

So I'm down to one day and two nights before insertion. I'm so excited! Its hard to believe that its coming so fast. I went out today and got a whole bunch of ibuprofen and pads. Weird...I haven't bought pads in almost 2 years now. My question remains though, why don't they have a variety pack of pads? I mean, everything else under the sun comes in a variety pack...why not pads??? Silly.

Also, I added a picture!! While not necessarily the most flattering I feel like it really suits me and my life right now. Just for reference its part of las semester cupcake night. We just had so much fun!

Lots of Love,

Itty bitty Sadness

I wonder sometimes if I don't have a little bit of SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder). Nothing to disastrous or particularly disabling, but just enough to get me down. I wonder this because its February. Its cold, the number of days of sun when it is warm enough to go outside without freezing off the tip of one's nose are desperately few and far between. And it weighs on me. I felt it start to hit this year around the end of January. Now its mid February and i'm excited about traveling for MUN soon and my IUD on friday, and yet some how I was crying on the floor today. About hiking.

It seems like such a silly thing to be upset about and maybe it just school or girly hormones gone wild, but it feels bigger. Talk to me tomorrow though and everything will be fine and dandy. I don't get it. *Sigh* To bed with me I think. Sleep is usually good medicine when nothing else helps. (And who knows, maybe that's really all it is: sleep deprivation)

Lots of Love,

Monday, February 09, 2009


Since the whole sex-thing happened Paul and I have been talking birth control. Neither of us are ready for children (I know, I know: if no want babies then no have sex...but things have changed and that's that) but we know we want them eventually. Plus with neither of us even out of school yet it is way to soon to be thinking about bringing a child into the world and then trying to support a family. So the search began.

I've always been interested in the options that are out there. I've kept relatively up to date on the Pill and the changes it has undergone (such as branching out into the Ring, and the Patch, etc.) but I've also watched the less conventional methods like the Sponge and the female condom. After doing a bunch of research I came to Paul with the idea of an IUD (the Paraguard to be specific). After explaining what it was he seemed all for it. It was nice to hear that he was pro-whatever I thought best. We both liked the absence of hormones and felt like this would really be the best option as far as long term non-baby-making goes.

About four months after making this decision I am finally getting my IUD inserted in less than a week! I've submitted multiple papers for payment plans and have been able to get everything covered through the state. YEA government health care!! I'm a low-income woman and I don't want babies yet...and you can help me!!

I've been reading about insertions and the procedure now for months and I just can't wait to get my tush on that table. Its just his huge mix of feelings about the actual day and what it will mean for Paul and I. The first time we were..."together"... we were lucky enough that it could really be just the two of us, no contraception needed. But we can't be that lucky all the time and I think it was hampering our feelings for wanting to do anything because it became more of a production than it was worth. With the IUD that production aspect will be gone. I'm hoping it will be more like the first time... and less like an orchestrated production that could be more stress than its worth.

Plus I feel like I'll be joining some secret group of IUD'd women. Its silly, but its like a little club that I can be in soon. Eee! Well the insertion is Friday morning and I'm hoping to feel up to writing in here so I can remember my "special" day :)

Lots of Love,

Pancake Party!!

So this weekend was probably the first weekend since New Years that I can genuinely say I all out enjoyed. I worked 7-3am at the hotel Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, but it didn't matter because I really made the best of my time and let my self really enjoy it.

So...pancake party.

Friday: The Department of Health apparently (per a law in the 70's) requires hotels to have food licenses to serve hot foods that require cooking, like waffles. So they shut down our waffle making operation on the 5th and that was that unless we get a license. Well we already had the batter. Long story short I have a gallon of waffle/pancake mix at my disposal that needs to be eaten in 3 days or it goes bad. WOOT!

Cut to Saturday 4pm: Todd has graciously allowed us to use his apartment for said waffle party. invitees are me, Todd, Brandon, Katie, Matt, and Nashoba. Cortney came by later and Paul came after work. With Katie's help I gathered many supplies the day before. THis was probably the most fun I've had panning a party because the concept itself was so fun and laid back. It was like having a BBQ, but inside with breakfast food. We got bacon, and sausage and fruits and syrup. Plus I had an assortment of nuts, cool whip, and choclate chips at home to add to the mix. It was like the ultimate salad bar of pancake set ups.

It was so fun to just start cooking and have people come by. It was a mall group, but so much fun. Everyone has such a similar sense of humor and I just love when a group of people get to hang out who don't normally do so. I just like combining my friends and saying "see? like each other" I have so many friends that I like different things about and it makes it just that much more exciting if when I suggest bringing a mutual friend and they are excited to see each other because they don't necessarily meet up outside of through me. Its hard to explain. But I guesss I just want everyone to be happy and I was able to do that for a small group of people this weekend and in the end I had fun too!

We played Cranium and Loaded Questions which were just a riot and I can't wait to expand my board games collection. Paul always says he dislikes games like that but as soon as he gests playing he's laughing and having a good time just like everyone else. I guess he just needs to find games that are different than the traditional Sorry or Monopoly.

Lots of Love,

Another Monday

Here I am at work. Another Monday morning looking for something to occupy my time. Yet again I fall back on this blog. I wish I had kept a better record of mytime in school on here. There are so many memories that will fade away because I just didn't remember, or feel like taking the time to jot them down here. Its funny how that goes. I think its something that happens to a lot of people and then we look back and say "why didn't I just safe a piece of that day?"

Well today I'm putting some memories down in here. I'm separating them into separate entries so that they aren't huge long things to read through. Plus the tagging will be easier that way.

Lots of Love,