Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Check Please!

Well I'm here at work and I can't for the life of me find the form I'm supposed to be typing on. I must say this is rather frustrating since this is really the only real responsibility I've been given for a whole three days. I've got the computer doing its search thing-y and its not finding anything...well actually its found quite a lot but not the Check Request form I need.

Plus, I'm really hungry. I'm working until 4pm and all I brought was a little bowl of ramen noodles. Its 11am! I can't eat yet! Ooo maybe if I eat now I can go home around noon and have a sandwich during my actual lunch hour. Hmmm.

Yaay Soup!

And I found the form. Turns out it was sitting on the desk the whole time hiding in a paper cliped stack of paper. The day is looking up! If not sunnier. It rained last night (thank God, we need the rain) and its still looking cloudy. Maybe it will rain again .

Lots of love,


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