Monday, May 14, 2007

Date Time!

So on Wednesday I went to the circus. It was sooo much fun! I can't remember the last time I went to the circus. There weren't really any clowns though, which made me sad. Oh well. I liked the people who went up on this swing thing then they jumped off into a big piece of...hmmm I'm not sure what to call it. It was like a net but not really. Kind of like a long piece of fabric. Anyway it was nifty.

And on Saturday Paul and I had a mini date night. We were supposed to go to dinner and a movie but he got off work to late to do the movie. So we just went and had dinner at this awesome brewery/restaurant downtown. The food was incredible and Paul was so excited about being in a brewery. He loves the whole "homemade" beer thing. So he bought a 1/2 gallon jug of their blonde ale to take home. The best part is the bottle looks like its full of moonshine and you can get it refilled for like 9 bucks! That's really cheap.

So on Sunday, since we couldn't go see our movie on Saturday night we went on Sunday afternoon. It was a great day. We hung out all day and just enjoyed being with each other. Its been a while since we both had a day off. We slept late and watched movies and food network. MMM food network. It made us hungry so we ate mac and cheese with boiled hot dogs. Heehee.

THat's life right now. I need to go to the laundromat because I 'm all out of underwear as of this morning. And I just finished an amazing book! I read "The Red Tent" for the second time and loved it again.

Lots of Love,

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