Friday, May 19, 2006


*Sigh* I suppose I should elaborate on that last pot. It was rather brief and unfulfilling as to what has actually taken place in my life in oh say the past three or so months.

Spring Break: Went to the Mall of America with Paul. It was so much fun. We stayed in a little cheap hotel for a few days and had ourselves a good time just being together. Unfortunately the trip/break was a little tainted because my grandmother on my dad's side died on the tuesday I left. It was awful. I was too far away to go to the funeral or see her right before she died. My grandma was one of my favorite people to be around. She taught me to love good french bread, musicals, Shirley Temple, milk and ginger ale, the love of family, and how to look at the people around you as beautiful. She was a beautiful person and if I can be 1/8th the person she was I will be happy.

The rest of school: Rather uneventful for me anyway. Timnah's pregnancy became one of those constant sources of complaint/joy/worry. She'd complain over being hot, uncomfortable, etc. Be joyous the next moment because she felt a flutter of movement. Our worry came when she spotted one night and we went to the hospital to check for miscarriage. All was fine, Thank God, but worry is tiring nonetheless. My birthday has come and gone, another year older and I still feel young. i suppose thats becaus eI'm the youngest among my friends and coworkers. Oh well.

Summer break: Has begun!! Oh its so nice to be out of class!! For once I can go home andnot worry about a project thats due or something of that nature. On that note, I remained in town where I go to school for the summer.

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