Sunday, January 14, 2007

Winter Semester

Dum dum di dum. So yeah here I am again. Sitting in my dorm room. not doing anything and just waiting for classes to start. I'm so ready for new classes to start. Its like a new leaf, everything starts all over again. A clean slate. I love that feeling. And it coincides perfectly with the New Year and everything.

I'm reading a book right now about female empowerment. Its making me think a lot about how women look at our selves and how we cut ourselves down more than anyone else does. I want to try really hard this year to think of myself as fine and perfect the way I am. Its going to be hard though because my suitemates and I have decided to work out this semester and try to eat healthier. The only thing I'm worried about is that I'm not going to focus on health and not my actual size. I have to remember that I don't need to lose weight, just get healthier.

Wow I've got nothing to really talk about here. I'm just kind of bored. I went to the library and got a book but I couldn't check it out because of course I've got a fine so my account is locked up so I can't check out any books. Oh well, I'll pay it eventually.

I just had a strange thought about bouquets. Its interesting how right now when I go to a wedding I want to catch the bouquet, but then at the same time I don't want to actually catch it because I don't know what in the world I would do with it. I mean the bouquet has all the implications attached and I want those implications. WOohoo married. But I so don't want the ooo you caught the bouquet. And I don't want to look lik eI want to catch the bouquet. But I really do. Just to say I caught it. And then, I don't know, maybe save it? Ah well. Just a ramndom thought.



Unknown said...

you know, it is quite fun to hang about inside a girls head. watching yor stream of thoughts is sometimes confusing, and others makes perfect sense, sometimes saddening, others maddening or make me laugh ridiculously. in the end though, its awesome to be able to see the way to think and know that no one thinks like anyone else so i should pay good freaking attention when i want other people to understand haha. there is your ramble for meee today. i don tknow whay i was getting at but i just read this post and the last one and really liked them. nothing spectacular happened in them, but they were not boring. just abotu real life shhhtuff. write on! :P


~*Ery*~ said...

Well thank you!