Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Two Days Down

THe last couple of days I've felt a little humdrum. I think the combination of all the rainy weather this summer and the extended working hours just took a toll on me. Not to mention all the confusion with money at SUper 8 on monday. I enjoy working when its busy, but it was just out of control for like 2 hours. I was busy and everyone wanted to pay cash. Which meant that I was running back and forth and got really messed up with my cash drawer. People were patient, but I could tell they hated waiting. WHich made me feel bad. By the time my shift was done I had completely screwed up the money in the drawer and the amount that was getting dropped. I had to stay almost an hour late and I was just exhausted. Jackie called the next morning to let me know that everything had been fixed and I didn't really owe the hotel money, but it still sucked to fee like I couldn't handle it.

To top off the bad feeling from that I got behind in my dishes. Since I worked all day Monday I was too tired to do anything about them and just left the dirty water in the sink. Tuesday morning found me grumpy, tired, and not in the mood to deal with any of it. Luckily I was able to go into the Soc. office and just read my book while the computer processed stuff. I got this series from a friend when I was still at Range and I've been putting off reading it because I wasn't sure if I'd like it or not. LOVE IT! I've read 3 books in as many days and I'm so hooked. SO far I'm pretty sure I have all but one book and its the last one so I've still got time to worry about getting that one. So since I 've been feeling crummy and didn't want to do anything, completely retreated into the books.

Yesterday I finally pulled myself out of it though. Katie called and wanted to go for a walk. I looked at my kitchen and just thought: 'I can't have her see it like this'. Katie was born organized and neat and tidy and she knows that I'm trying the FLYing thing. So I just hated to have to worry about seing that look on her face that would make me feel like a failure. So I emptied the sink and stacked the dishes. It took 2 minutes but I was already feeling better about the whole thing. The walk and chit chat with Katie felt good, it got me out of my head and laughing, which I think we both needed; her because wedding stuff was getting to her, and me because I was getting to me. After the walk Paul and I went for a bike ride around the Isle. Oh. That felt so good! We rode right up close to these deer and then down this huuuuge hill (ok, so up the hill wasn't great, but one day I'll be able to do it!) then we saw the deer again. It was just what I needed to feel more alive in my skin. Paul made us both chicken salads for dinner which was perfect. I wasn't in the mood to cook and didn't even feel all that hungry, so a salad was the best thing. Plus it was way healthier than what I had planned for dinner.

To top off the good evening we went and listened to this band play. Well, it was actually just one guy...but he normally has a drummer with him. The band's name is Hozz and he was great! He does mostly covers (though I nknew one of his songs...from the radio! which was super super cool) and they were good covers. I was so excited when he did SImon and Garfunkel's 'Mrs. Robinson' and 'Faithfully' by Journey. I love that song so much. Something about it just gets me. Or maybe I get it. I don't know. Ijust something about it feels gypsy-ish and I feel that way sometimes. Like I'm just passing through on my way to the next destination.

Anyway, I'm feeling much better than I was and I'm really happy to be out of that slump. Cortney and I have plans to meet up today after work which should be a lot of fun. Have I mentioned how happy I am that we're hanging out again? Becaus eI am. I like her alot and I think stuff just got so twisted freshman year that we both needed to grow without the other person for a little while.

Lots of Love,

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