Tuesday, January 11, 2005


Well, as with so many other thngs in my life my confusion is centered around the opposite sex. Confused because I can' seem to get over Matt. I know in my head that he has nothing to offer me and that he really is just a selfish guy who only thinks about himself and what he needs (if you read this all really fast with no pauses for air that is how it was supposed to sound) and I know that his and my paths don't match but I'm stuck damnit and I can't do anything about it! Its silly really that I should even be stressing or analyzing this but hey thats why I'm blogging the whole thing. And I am soooo sick and tired of breaking things off at the "seeing each other" phase that it is not even funny. But anyway, some other more happy thoughts.

Today was...good... I guess. I'll be having Drama Class with Lauren which excites me to no end!!! And I went to a buffet today and I way overate but it was okay because with finals and all I got to go home and sleep which was marvelous to the -enth degree. And then at work JT and I "exchanged info". Woohoo!

"I will now make the first incision...crap...now I have two first incisions!"~~on the wonders of knowing your waitressing lines in order.

Oh yeah there is a ghost at The Boy. I have decided that we are going to have a seance around the gas stoves to talk to it and find out why it is haunting me at work.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you goofball...yes we love the double first incisions...Hello, my name is Erycca...I will be taking you to your seat now...*putting drinks on table* Can I start you off with something to dribk..wait hold on...already did that...darn-it!