Monday, June 26, 2006


Ahh well. Its been the customary two or so weeks. I figured, why not write something. I'm not doing anything. Plus I get to practice my typing skills. I type well but I'm bad at not looking at the keys. So I have many errors because I can't watch the screen to catch them in time. Too bad my brain works too fast for my fingers to follow it.

Brrr. Its cold in our office. I don't really have that much to write about. Nancy and Devynn came to visit me over the weekend. That was nice. I had to buy so much extra food though. And I'm sure some of the pasta we made is going to go to waste because there is just soooo much of it. Although, I shouldn't have to cook for the rest of the week, so I guess its ok.

Paul and I are good. I get so sad when he has to leave. I don't know what it is. Last week I cried. Granted, it was "that time of the month" so I was a little more emotional than normal, but still. When I get into bed and he isn't there I feel like the bed is half empty...I hate that. Plus there's the fact that he's there. To talk to and hug and walk with. When he's gone I'm all alone. I have some friends here, but so many of them are guys. And I feel like I unintentionally flirt sometimes with them. I don't mean to, that is just my personality. But by being there I feel like I'm doing something wrong. Grrr I don't know. I need to make more girlfriends that I can just hang out with. Its hard though.

I'm excited to find out who my roommate is going to be next semester. I'm kind of nervous but at the same time I think that since I'm a pretty easy-going person it should be no problem. The only thing that worries me is the whole boyfriend-staying-the-night-on-weekends thing. I don't expect it to be a problem, but either way I'm going to tell her as soon as I can so that the idea doesn't just get sprung on her last minute.

Ho hum. I'm bored. I painted my nails earlier today. Just for something to do at work. Now they are "racy red" I love it! Well I'm going to post this now because I can't think of anything else to ramble about. Plus its getting hard to type like this.


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