Friday, July 21, 2006


Sitting around again at the office. I did some filing. THat lasted me oh about 5 minutes. SO now the only thing I have left to do is shred some paper. But I'm saving that excitement for this afternoon. Crazy I know.

I've thought some more about giving Paul the address to this. And what I've ended up doing is reading all my archives to see how I would feel knowing that he had access to all of them And So far I still don't know. It makes me uncomforatable I guess because I talk so much about other guys that I crushed on or whatever when I was younger. I mean when I was writing the blog at that time I was obsessed over my love life and how crappy it was. But now I look back at the guys I was pining over and I wish I could make that history go a way. Because it was silly. SO much time and energy was put into working to make stuff work. Stuff that was never meant to work. Now I feel silly. And juvenile. What I most worry about are the entries leading up to when I met him. Because right up to before I met him I was being sad about another guy. And I met Paul and everything went away. I just hope that when I give the address to him (which I know I will eventually) he understands that. I won't worry too much though. Because as of old. I'm going to go with the flow.

Woohoo! I know. Its the return of the Word of the Day!! How exciting is that?! Not really I know. But at least everyone will be smarter by the end of this. :)
Word of the Day:

exculpate \EK-skuhl-payt; ek-SKUHL-payt\, transitive verb: To clear from alleged fault or guilt; to prove to be guiltless; to relieve of blame; to acquit.


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