Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Its about my stupid email. It won't work! Apparently it is too big? I don't know jack about the internet so this is very frustrating. I can check my email through iGoogle, but I can't specifically get to Gmail. This wouldn't be such a pain if I didn't have a signature that I would prefer didn't go to my official contacts. Grrrr.

Ok, so Paul and I aren't in a cruddy cycle. It's more just a cycle that keeps getting eaier to deal with. We got in yet another fight about how I feel about he treats me. That being said, I'm not being mistreated or hurt in any way. My consistant feeling is one of having my feelings ignored or just not recognized. I feel sometimes like Paul doesn't really pay attention to my moods or perceive what I'm feeling. In his defense I'm not the most verbal about what's wrong. My reason behind that is that after 3 years I feel like there are somethings he should just pick up on. We talked. So far things have been better. I told him I needed to see long term, consistent efforts towards being attentive and in return I will continue trying to verbally express my feelings to him. We love each other and that's really the most important part to the whole equation. The trick is expressing that love.

Lots of Love,

1 comment:

~*Ery*~ said...

Yeah, so this was definitely an Internet Explorer problem...not a Gmail issue. My fault, now I'm using Mozilla.

Lots of Love,