Monday, March 02, 2009

First of Many

I was going to say that this is the first of many days of work until I get a real day off, but technically it's not true. Technically, that day was last Monday. So this is actually day 7 of ... a lot? At least 24. I'm pretty sure I have 3/20 off. But then its right back to work on the 21st so not that big a deal. I'm not complaining. In fact, it really good that I'm working. I mean, times suck. I have two jobs when a lot of people can't keep one. And in May I'll be down to one again. So its a good thing to get the hours now while I can. but man, does it suck to be sitting at a desk when you could be sitting in bed or on the couch. Or just doing something productive in general. Here I'm trying to pace out my actual work so that I can have something to do everyday. I have graded tests, taken down attendance records, and copied study guides. Tomorrow I will probably finish attendance and maybe, just maybe I might copy and collate some tests.

Plus aside from the lack of real work I've got cramps to distract me. I'll get into a groove and a really comfy typing or reading position and then the knife comes back and I have to rearrange myself until it goes away. Which it isn't doing. Damn ibuprofen, it is not helping right now.

On the upside...Its time for me to punch out!! Woo hoo!

Lots of Love,

P.S. Okay, so maybe I complained a little bit. Overall I really am happy to be getting paid!! :)

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