Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Doing So Well

So many posts in a row and then nothing. I'm trying.

Its been 12 days now since I had my ParaGard inserted and its been awesome so far. It caused me a bit of pain for about a week, but nothing that a Pamprin a day didn't take care of. I did have a really sharp pain around the time that I ovulated though which was new and completely caught me off guard. It was like I had been stabbed with a knife, and then it was gone. So weird. One of the strangest things that happened though was I started to smell like a penny! It was so bizarre, it makes sense (since ParaGard has copper on it) but it was still kind of strange. Now i'm just waiting for my first period. We shall see.

I had a great time in St. Louis recently. I had never been so it was interesting to see a city that was such a big part of thing like western expansion and the Lewis and Clark mission. The big. If I ever figure out how to get pictures from my phone onto my computer I'll post the only pictures I have from the trip. The only down side was spending 6 hours in a hospital with Katie and her face infection. Luckily she's ok, and everyone was super nice, but a hospital is a hospital and never any fun. Our underage folks would argue that it was as good as going to Toronto since the bar we went to didn't card and served everyone. Safe environment, less walking. It was pretty cool.

Today was my last class before Spring Break. I wish I could be more excited, but all I'm doing is picking up more hours for work. woohoo. Well, Work = $ and I need $ for upcoming stuff. Therefore, I need to work. Boo.

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