Monday, September 19, 2005

Why I like Tech

I like Tech because Paul goes there. Who is Paul? Paul is a guy from Tech. (heehee this is fun) And I like him much-es. So in the spirit of actually telling this story here we go.

Well it all began when I lost my ID card...technically it all began when God said begin but whatever. I was rushing back into my hall's lobby to see if it somehow got lost while I was doing back flips off the couch (ok you know how you can sit on the bck of a couch and flip backwards twoards the cushions and then land on your feet on the ground...? Well thats what I was doing.). So I rushed in didn't find it and was in the process of rushing back to the Den so I could eat before my food got cold...weh I saw my neighbor Marc walking towards me with this guy. This guy was/is Paul. I already knew this though because Marc told me that his friend Paul was coming down to visit from Tech. So I stopped rushing for a moment and said my hellos, then explained what I has doing and left.

Later on when us girls got back from dinner we stopped next door and said hello to the males sitting in the room. And subsequently went to the PEIF and then had a dance party in the hallway of our dorm...which amused everyone who was walking by, including the RA. So at about midnight the RA came back and annonced that since it was quiet hours we had to go back to a room so that others could do whatever they needed to do during quiet hours. So we went and started watching the Scorpion King. Well everyone but Paul and I decided that they wanted to go to Walmart. So they left us. Ok this is boring and I'm just gonna make this a bunch faster because all of these mundane details are not necessary. Everyone came back, we all took a walk through campus. Marc and Timnah went to bed. Cortney, Pat (a different Pat than the one who I was wailing over the other day, who lives downstairs from us), Paul and Me walked to the beach and watched the was cold and I got to snuggle with Paul.

Homecoming -- We got to the game. We win. We go to the dance. Paul sort of kind of picked me up. As in him and Brandon and Holly came and stopped by our dorm which was on the way and we all walked over together. Paul and I danced for a bout an hour. Then TImanh and COrtney found a party to go to, I stayed with Paul to go back to Brandon's room and hangout with his friends. Well since Holly and I don't like the taste of beer we just watched as the guys talked and laughed and drank. It was so sweet, though, Paul and I sat on this little love seat pod chair thing and just cuddled while everything was going on. I love cuddling. THen we had our first kiss. Hmmm I love the first kiss. It was just a little peck but it was so sweet and right there in front of everyone...yeah I'm beginning to think I'm a bit of an exhibitionist. Anywho. Around 6:30 am we were both faling asleep in the chair so we begged Holly to clear off her bed (since Holly was staying in Brandon's bed and we were in hers) so we could go to sleep. Hmmmm I do enjoy sleeping with boys...that sounds really bad, I literally just mean sleeping. I always feel so warm and safe. Its lovely. So we went to sleep and yeah. We woke up around noonish and erm mad out for an hour or so. Heehee...makes me giggly. He does this thing with his tongue (details are so not necessary but I'm including them anyway...well just this one) where he just licks my lips really soft...*shivers* thats all I can say.

Alright so around 1:30 I was feeling guilty about not being home and ummmm not calling TImnah to let her know where I was (bad roommate that I am). So I made Paul get up and walk me home. There wasn't much forcing I just said you wanna take a walk back to my dorm and he said ok. So he walked me back and we had breakfast (ok technically it was about mid afternoon snack time but if you go by the basic definiton of the word breakfast it was that time) with Cortney... which soon turned into breakfast with TImnah and Courtney and Emily and Pat. I got a lot of flack for staying the night with Paul, but all in good fun. They all know that we're both virgins (because it came up and yes! I'm soooo happy about that fact about him) and that I wouldn't do anything before marraige, especially with a guy I just met. So anyway yeah he came back up to my room and we cuddled some more but he said he had to go back down campus to see the people he came down to see (which is totally cool). And ummm yeah I was a bit sad becasue I just figured he was gonna leave to go home and I wouldn't see him again this trip. But they had dinner at our caf! And I saw him when we had dinner! And he came over and hugged me and held my hands! And I was so happy! We kissed some more out in the quad and then he stayed for our campus movie. He walked me back to my room (even though we were with a group of people and he didn't have to) but we stood in my doorway and we determined that we would call each other. Yea!

Ok I'm in such a good mood! I just am! And ummm yeah I'm totally feeling the whole I change my mind a lot thing. Because I was wailing (literally) about Tall Pat (from this poin ton to be referred to using this epithet to differentiate between Tall Pat that I used to like and the Pat from downstairs...thus no epithet for him) and nowI'm raving and smiling and pleased as a cucumber about Paul. Yea! And ummmm yeah thats about it. WE gave each other a cold...what a thing to remember someone by, huh. But I talked to him online and he said that if I gave it to him it was worth it. Which is a cheesy line but I fell for it, loved it and told him so. He sent backa smiley face. Hee Ho Hummm Good DAys!!


Love all around!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i agree with the 'sleeping with someone when your actually sleeping with them' thing. i love sleeping with my girlfriend, though i am a selfproclaimed virgin, there really is nothing like just sleeeppingggg.

thats all i guess
