Weeeee!! Its me and Paul! For the record, he did not enjoy wearing my skirt or makeup and grumbled the entire half hour that he wore it and was not in public (while in public he had a fun time frolicing...I love him so, and for so many of these little things). I'm not usually this tall to him but I had boots on so I actually was within a comfortable kissing range, usually I have to get up on my tip toes and kiss him quick. But yeah this is Halloween in the dorms. We "celebrated" a couple days early so we could actually celebrate rather than just wish each other a happy halloween and then go to bed. Anyway we all dressed up and went out...to the video store to rent movies after which we all came home and changed. But yeah so if you couldn't tell Paul was a girl (as was Marc) they hated it but let Timnah, Cortney and I have our fun anyway. Timnah was a lounge singer, Cortney was a slutty pirate gypsy...yeah...and I was a french whore...I don't think I would have made very much though becasue I kept giving free kisses away to Paul heehee. So yeah it was fun.
I found that watching someone walk away from you is so much worse than just knowing that they are going. I watched Paul as he walked down my hall after saying goodbye and I wanted to just run up behind him and tell him he couldn't go, but I know that it is so hard for him to go and I wouldn't want him to so I just watched. And it hurt. Because I don't ever want to have to see him turn away from me. So from now on there will be no watching as he walks away, because it hurts too much. I miss him already and he's only been gone for 14 hours. Oy I'm in love deep.
I'm going to sleep I'm tired goodnight now.
:( lucky! i didnt get to see my darling girlfriend today (halloween) at all except for like 15 minutes after i picked her up from work. Life is so unfair.
Ah well, i can make it to next weekend when i see her again for more than a few minutes.
Glad to see you're having so much fuin with paul.
You forget...I only get to see him on the weekends.
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