Monday, February 16, 2009

Long, Long Day

Ugh, what a weekend. Yes...ugh. Tiring, stressful, and not pain-free. My Saturday at work was insanely busy. We had a full house, which was awesome for the hotel in general, but crappy for the single desk worker (me).

Let me lay it down real quick:
1) We are a pet-free hotel, and yet people sneak pets in all the time. Sometimes we catch them, sometimes we just see the evidence. Like Saturday when someone let their dog crap in the middle of the main hallway and then left it there for someone to step into and track down the hall.
2) Groups are great, and fun, and entertaining. High schoolers are loud and push boundaries. Its in the nature of being a high schooler on a trip. It drives me nuts when they can't close doors quietly or get out of my lobby so I can have five minutes of peace. I love 'em for coming and being youthful...I hate them for being loud and not understanding social constraints that surround a hotel yet.
3) Toilets and bodily functions were not my friend. Two toilets backed up and one kid puked on his bed. I am the only hotel employee on at night until 11pm. That sucks big time for helping people. Normally its not a big deal, but with the aforementioned kids in the lobby and a full gets really hard to help people and even care.

Luckily I got a free pizza out of the deal and wine at a friend's house later. Thank God, because with the way I was feeling I needed to sit down. 8 Hours on my feet was not a happy day for my new friend.

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