Friday, July 01, 2005

4th of July!

So I'm posting about the 4th of July on the 1st...somehow that doesn't seem correct. But it is. Because I may be rendered unable to post until after the fourth or even the 8th, depending on how things go up at Northern. Thats right its orientation time! Yea! I'm so crazily excited!!! Eeeee! But that is all I have to say right now so I'm gonna try and save this and see if it works.

Oh man it was totally my own freaking stupid fault. I'm sorry Blogger. I don't hate you anymore. I wasn't displaying the damn drafts....stupid stupid stupid. Oh well, enough beating myself up over it.

I've decided to start a list of things that I need for college as they pop into my head. Random things (well randomly specific stuff that you always need but usually forget). Stuff that I'm likely to forget during a packing extravaganza.

Raincoat/Umbrella (one and/or the other)
My CDs (eventually placed in one holding container)
Clipboard (Have I mentioned how amazingly useful and fun these are...)
(To be continued...)
Shame, I never called Jon. I should though. Right after work...Geez I'm such a wimp. Well I can't do it here in the office. I mean not only is that really unprofessional, but my Dad is here. That would be weird. "Don't worry Dad I'm just making a date"...*whinny noise*... I don't think my father wants to even think about me dating. This office is sooooo quiet. We don't even have some soft rock stuff playing softly (heehee soft rock playing softly). Its driving me nuts. And now I'm starving. I reallly need to remember to bring some food to eat when I'm working...I mean all this sitting makes me quite hungry. And I have noticed in my detailed listing of many lending companies (part of my job, no I'm not OCD over listing lending companies) that they are either located in TX or really like helping out Texans...I don't get it. Why are the TX people so cool as to get lots of lending privleges? Oh! Maybe they are just so poor that they need extra help. Although, that doesn't sound quite right. I shall have to think this one over. "Super Jumbo Loans" This is a highly advanced business, can't you tell?
My leg still hurts. I was a good girl, though, and took some Excedrin and now it doesn't hurt so much. I'm gonna have to really buffer the leg with pain pills for later on when we walk downtown for the fireworks. Don't want to be in immense pain while walking...I'll have to stretch out before we leave.
Weee! Well my day here at the office is just about done. So au revoir

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I just read the "jays grad party" blog, and i LOVED the bottom of it. loved it. i havent the slightest clue how you manage to draw everything thats happened all out into longer stories and blogs and still have it be interesting, but its awesome.
it is one of the coolest things ever to see you talking about whats happened, why it bothered and bothers you and then watch as you struggle with the means to put your feelings into words, and its like slowly but surely you realize how you feel and that you shouldnt feel that way, (or so you think) and then make the decision not to feel that way anymore
i guess i just like watching the progession of your thoughts even as they sit in words that cannot possibly ever describe a feeling.

by the way i said 'or so you think' because i disagree, i think its completely normal for you to want someone to be with, someone you love and who loves you unconditionally, someone you can share comfortable silence with for hours on end, or just someone who will share a hug with you every so often, everyone wants that in one form or another, and though you may not be feeling this way anymore as its been like 2 weeks lol, you will again, cuz love's a cycle and you'll be at that spot again, like it or not.

now that im done feeling like a psychiatrist
and will probably regret saying some of the things i've said,
im going to post and try not to feel regret. lol
