Thursday, July 21, 2005

Ery has a date!!

I'm excited! Incase that wasn't clear. So I'm going out with Brendan on Sunday. Yea! He called today and we played a rousing game of phone tag. I was pissed I missed his first phone call. I've been waiting for his call since him and Jay dropped me off on Tues night (it was a good hug!) and then I missed it. But he left a message (which I'll admit to saving) and then I called him and left him a message, directly after which my phone started to ring. I answered it and the first thing he said was "I guess we're playing phone tag." Which is exactly what I said in my message to him. I'm on this crazy high and I have to keep telling myself to calm down or I'm going to just explode. I also have to keep telling myself to stp plotting. Its good plotting, but I need to stop trying to plan what's gonna happen in three days. I can't affect that so I have to go with the flow. I believe that will be my mantra for the next few days: Go with the Flow.

On a non-related note Girls Night is tomorrow! Nancy, Jackie, and Claire (hopefully) are all coming to my house and then we're going to see a Margaritaville inspired concert downtown and its gonna be a blast. They are all spending the night and Nancy is bringing fudge and I should go to the dollarstore and buy some other snacks and stuff and I don't know what we're gonna do after the concert yet....hmmm I should start planning this.

Anywho. There will be updates (heehee date) on everything...I'll just go with the flow go with the flow go with the flow go with the flow go with the flow go with the flow ... ...



Unknown said...

you wouldnt happen to be going with the flow would you? lol


~*Ery*~ said...

Just a bit...and it worked, so there!