Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Iteresting Coincidences and other Randomosities that may come to mind as I write this

1st-- Coincidence: Jackie told me to call her friend John...(no relation to the other one that I like that she has no idea about my liking him.) I took that as a sign that I should just get up the nerve to call him. But I didn't. Because I'm a scaredy cat. And because my excuse was that I would need a ride and its not cool to need a ride to a date that you set. (Its a pretty good excuse, I think)

2nd -- So ever since I was, like, 12 I have felt this overwhelming itch to "go home". I have not moved or anything. I just feel like I need to go home. I have two theories on this feeling. One is that I am ready to live on my own ad be in my own house. Perhaps I need to move to get to my true home (Which is perfect since I'm leaving for college in 2 months). My second theory is that (this is really Bible-thumper-ish so hold on) home is heaven, with God. And that when I feel like I want to go home what I really feel is that I just want to be closer to God. I don't know if that means that I want to die ( I think not) or if I just feel far away from God but yeah those ar my theories.

3rd -- The bullets for my blog are flowers...how sweet is that!!! I was so excited I almost squeeled out loud...then I remembered I was in the office and someone might look at me funny.

4th -- I hope it didn't weird you out that I used your signing name (conspicuously absent here:_____) It didn't even occur to me. It makes me happy that you read my extremely long posts but enjoy them all the same.

I'm ending this now since I have noting else to really say on the subject.



Unknown said...

hey there.
i just realized now that i've become a regular commenter lol. never done that before. i really tend to just float around and comment on random bloggers posts here and there, never staying too long, but it seems everything you write is interesting enough to comment on. feel special. lol jp.

im not such a big fan of god, though i know theres something bigger than me out there i have yet to put a name to it or a story behind it, i just know theres A being. so anyways i like the idea that you need to go home and you dont know where that is, it seems a lot of people around me are feeling that way.
im not sure if its just that feeling to get away from this home and start a new one, or just your own version of home.
and btw im guessing the 4th randomosity was to me, though i have no idea, and if it is, using my tag name doesnt bother me, its just weird to see someone else use it :)

im sorry but i must take a moment to laugh at your last statement...


ok all done lol.

it was just funny/ironic because your post wasnt about any subject in particular yet you decide to end it for lack of anything to say on a subject that doesnt exist.


~*Ery*~ said...

Heehee. I didn't notice that until you mentioned it, but yeah that last line is rather ironic.

I'm glad you're a regular poster it makes me happy. I feel special, like what I'm saying is making an impact somewhere, even if it is only one person. But don't stop random postings. Thats how I found your blog was by random postings so I guess its a good thing.