Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Boredom, Boredom, Happiness?

So I went to visit the mother's family this past weekend. We ended up staying an extra dy which wasn't awful but it threw things out of wack a bit soo yeah...not whole lot to saw right now (at least nothing that I feel like taking the time to write) because I have other specialler more exciting yet confusing things to discuss, with myself and the computer. Anywaay, the story.

So while I was out with Nancy Jay called. He was checking to see if I was still going to the boat with him and Matt and his girlfriend on Tues. (Oh man! A whole other story there that will have to wait till this one is done). I told him I was and then he asked me the oddest question: Do you remember Brendan? I'm now switching to colorcodeing some of this..its easier.
My thoughts during the whole thing.
Yeah, I remember Brendan. Ryan's cousin...why?
Well he's gonna call you in a little bit if thats ok? 'Cause he likes you I guess(what in the world!?! I can't even remember what this guy looks like! I've only met him like twice total) so I gave him your number and he's gonna call in a little bit and come with us tomorrow if thats alright?
Yeah thats fine. I'll see you tomorrow.
Hang up phone.
Nancy, remember Brendan?
Ryan's cousin? Yeah.
Well apparently he likes me and is going to call me in a little bit, accordingto Jay.
Wait wasn't he going out with his date from prom...Annie?
Yeeeaaah. You're right he was. Well maybe they broke up? Jay wouldn't give him my number if they were still a couple, he'd be nicer to me than that.
Well yeah. But what if he's on the rebound? You don't want to be a rebound girl.
Phone rings...Brendan's number presumably since I don't recognize it.
Hey this is Brendan...Jay gave me your number.
Oh hi! (This playing dumb act sucks)
So what's up?
Not much, how are you? (I hate saying that. I feel so old fashioned)
Not much not much...so I heard you're going up to the boat tomorrow.
Yeah, you're coming up too, right?
Yeah yeah...so I was thinkin maybe we could get together sometime...whats your schedule for this week?
(I should add right now that I missed a bit of this because Nancy decided to spit a gigantic amout of phlegm out the window of her car at this moment....she was so proud that she apparently forgot I was on the telephone and started gushing about how far it went)
Ummm well (gather thoughts gather thoughts! This is a date potential question here!!!) I'm not really sure about that right now I just got back from vacation.
Oh yeah where too?
(and at this point Nancy got helpful: The picnic on wed. (hissed). Whose all going? Will they care? (also hissed with hand over phone) trying to keep up with two converstions is hard.)
I went to _____ to visit my mom's family there.
That's cool.
Anyway, I've got this picnic thing I'm going to Wednsday...if you want to come...? (please say no please say no please say no)
WEll I have work everyday except Sunday, so... (for God's sake why couldn't you just ask if I was interested in doing something on Sun. you moron)
Ummm, as far as I know I'm free Sunday so if you wanted to get together that would be cool.
Okay, well since you live so far away would you mind meeting me, like, halfway or something?
(No I wouldn't mind but I can't because I killed my car and Oy! This sucks!)
Well I might be able to work something out....but you see I don't have a car...sooo....
Oh well (laughs) (good sign...not totally pisssed about lack of vehicle) I guess we can figure it al out tomorrow then.
Okay sounds good see ya then.
Alright bye.
Hang up phone.
Okay well that was weird. I men its just weird!
I know I mean you've only met him once.
Yeah and I don't even remember him I remember who his date was nd suff....but I can't place his face.
I'm gonna call Jay and find out about this break up thing and if I'm a rebound girl.
Thats the gist of the story. Jay told me I wasn't a rebound girl and that he would take better care of me than that...aww. So yeah now I'm going to the boat and I'll just see what happens.
Oh yeah the going to the booat with Matt and his girlfriend story:
I talked to Matt one day online and he told me about how he hurt his hand and blahdee-blahdee-blahdee-blah. He mentioned that he was going up to the boat with Jay someday this week and I should come up if I can work it into my schedule. It pains me to say that I was sooooo happy. I mean, I know he has a girlfriend and I don't even want him anymore (mind out of the gutter), but I wanted to *this makes me literally cringe as I type it* show him what he let go. As in I wanted to look so good and stuff just to show him what he could have had. Its ridiculous and shallow but its the truth. So I tell him 'yeah it would be cool to come up here's my number, call me when you pick a day,' and that was it. Well Jay called today and invited me to come up with him and Matt and his girlfriend...and I about died (first word that came to mind...I don't like it because I didn't care that much but I can't pick a more fitting phrase). Because now I had a dilemma. I wanted to look good, but I couldn't look too good because then she would know something was up, I emphasize the she because lets face it a guy wouldn't have any clue how long a girl took getting ready, but she would and I can't have that. So yeah there is that story.
So now I'm ... happy? I don't really know. Because its cool and fun and exciting that someone likes me, but I don't even know him. I don't want to fall in the same trap I did with Matt wherin I knew he liked me so I decided that I would like him too...then again, maybe that was just supposed to happen. Fate? I don't know. The best thing to do right now is to stop schemeing (outside of what I'm gonna wear which I've already got figured out) and just go with the flow. Try to be fun and carefree and open to the possibilities

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