Friday, July 01, 2005


Stole this from JAMiN...Although I changed the answers so now its mine! Although why I bothered I don't know, because everytime I copy paste one of these I have to completely reformat the stupid thing so its not just one huge paragraph. THenI have to go back and do it. I must be eternally bored or garrulous (word of the day) or the other

--Name: Ery, Sheep, CeeCee, Haricot vert = Rico, Jane the Potato Farmer, Laterose,
Birthplace: In a small little city
Current location: Work, in the downtown of that small little city

Layer Two:--
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Brown, although it was really fun being a red-head, I might do it again
Height: 5'7"
Righty or lefty: righty
Zodiac sign: Aries
Heritage: My grandpa used to call us a Heinz 57...since thenI've learned he was correct. ButI know I've got some Greek, Irish (learned that this year on International Day when I got introuble for wearing a toga...I'm gonna have to tell that story one day), English , French-Canadian, German...(I've got a story about that one too). And other assorted European nationalities
Your weakness: Food, scary movies...good Lord am I ever scared of those
Your fears: Oh umm scary movies
Your favorite kind of Pizza: sausage, olives and mushrooms
Goal you would like to achieve: I would like to be able to die happy, without regrets

Layer Three:--
Your most over used phrase: I don't know ( no really I don't know it changes)
Your thoughts when you first wake up: what time is it?
Your bedtime: 10-ish...during the summer it runs to more of a "whenever I can't keep my eyes open time"
Your most missed memory: I miss running around during the summer with the girls down the street, rushing inside for dinner and then running back out as soon as possible...(then being bored for the last three weeks of summer)

Layer Four:--
Pepsi or Coke?: Don't drink pop
McDonalds or Burger King?: McDonalds...just somehing about dem chicken nuggets

Single or Group date?: I've only had a single so thats the one i'll go with for right now
Adidas or Nike?: I so rarely buy sneakers that I wouldn't even have a preference...but I think the pair I own from 9th grade are Adidas
Lipton or Nestea?: D0n't drink Iced tea either
Chocolate or Vanilla?: Vanilla I can OD on chocolate sometimes vanilla soooothes
Capuccino or coffee?: Capuccino (because it covers up that coffee flavor)

Layer Five:--
Smoke: Eeeew no
Cuss: heehee cuss (I've always loved that word) not not often...mostly in my head at inanimate objects
Sing: yes it calms me down
Shower everyday: Yeah, I'd be dirty if I didn't
Have a crush: Yup...Jon apparently
Want to get married: Oh yes please
Believe in yourself: Yeah, I guess I do most of the time
Get motion sickness: Yep on big boaats when I look at the horizon (yeah I'm backwards...and guess what? I swim) and when airplanes land and take-off
Think you are attractive: Not sure...awful answer but I feel like it sometimes.
Think your a health freak: I try. I go through bouts of it every couple months
Get along with your parents: Mostly, they're cool, I'm the first so I get trial run a lot
Play an instrument: I used to play clarinet, but I sucked big time (my mom said I would have been better had I practiced

Layer Six:-
In the last month have you:--
drank alcohol: Lets see a month, but the month before I had a sip of vodka...yuck! yuck!

Smoked: Not first hand (secondhand though is a nother story unfortunatly)
Done a drug: Excedrin?
Had sex: No no no no no no
Made out: No boohoo makes me lonely
Gone on a date: No again...this is getting depressing
Gone to the mall: Ummm, no actually. My God I need to get out
Eaten an entire box of oreos: They make boxes of oreos. We always get a package-y no again I guess
Been dumped: Not dates = no dumpage a good thing I guess

Gone skating: No
Made Homemade cookies: No
Gone skinnydipping: No
Dyed your hair: No

Stolen anything:No...I'm one boring piece of work here. Not that stealing would be cool or anything but look at that layer I haven't done anything in the past month...June sucked.

Layer Seven:-
Have you ever:--
Played a game that required you take off clothes:Yes twice
In mixed company: Yes, once...I have to say though that next time I'm wearing more clothing because I suck at these games.
Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: No, I'm crazy sober...I can't add alcohol to that!
Been caught "doing something": No...well maybe...Romney and I mad out in a bed with two other people in it who knew what we werre doing...does that count as "being caught" or just being a stupid exhibitionist?

Layer Eight:--
Age you hope to be married: Somewhere between 24 and least engaged by 28
Names and number of children: If I have daughters I want at least two So they can be Chrisanthy Margaret and Alanna ...other than that I don't know

Describe your dream wedding: I never thought one up...but I do want to be married in my church
How do you want to die: Happy without regrets or pain
Where do you want to go to college: Northern ______ University (I'm not filling in the blanks)

What do you want to be when you grow up?: Right now? an Environmental Scientist
What country would you most likely visit: Greece I'm just fascinated by its history.

Layer Nine:--
Best eye color: Don't care
Best hair color: Don't care
Best article of clothing: I love cozy, oversized sweaters
Best date location: *shrug* haven't had enough to choose...although I really want to have a picnic on the hill downtown

Best first kiss location: In this cute little alley in downtown...It was so sweet

Layer Ten:--
Number of drugs taken illegaly: Well my mom gave me some of her prescription pain meds whenI had whiplash but thats it
Number of people I would trust with my life: 3 maybe 4
Number of CDs you own: About 30 maybe

Number of piercing: 1 in each ear...but they might have closed up again (my fauult I know)
Number of tatoos: None dont' really want one, although, the henna one was pretty cool
Number of scars on my body: 3...under my chin, on my wrist from burning myself, and my back from burning more fire!
Last person who:--
Fell asleep in your bed: me
Saw you cry: Umm either my dad or Jackie and Nancy
Made you cry:My dad I'm pretty sure

Spent the night at your house: Nancy or Jackie
You shared a drink with: Jen I think
You went to the movies with: Josh
You went to the mall with: I don't know but I think it was Jackie
Yelled at you: Ummm, I've been good lately, although, nope dad didn;t yell then
Have you ever...--
said "I love you" to someone who was not a family member: yeah
Been to New York: The state? yes...the city? no :(

Georgia: Yeah Atlanta at night is soooo pretty
California: Yup once...I love it there
Hawaii: No but wouldn't that be fun
China: No but these all sound very cool
Canada: Yes! I love Canada
Danced Naked: Alone in my room....but I really wanna do it in backyard under a full moon
Dreamed something really crazy and then it happened the next day: No. because if it did Marvin Gaye might be my mailman
Stalked someone: No butI trailed behind while someone else did
Pick one:--
Apples or Bananas: Apples...bananas are soooo squichy
Blue or Red: blue...its like water

Walmart or Kmart: KMART I guess although I don't really prefer one or the other...WALMART is just not nice
Math or English: For the longest time my answer was I'm not sure (AHHHH! I just admitted to sorta likeing math!!)
Radio or CD: Radio, butI wan to invent my own station
Drawing or Painting: Painting...I love color
High School or College: High school was coll, but college sounds like an adventure

The final questions:--
Last times you went out of state: One month ago
Things you like in a girl/guy: Ummm, confidence, sense of humor and ease, easy smile...openess
What book are you reading now: None, I gotta go to the library!!
What is on your mouse pad: I don't have one

Favorite magazine: Umm Seventeen? ButI'm growing out of that one...I like National Geographic a lot
Favorite sound: Water on a beach, the sound of a wind storm, forest noises.. a train 5 blocks a way
Worst feeling in the world: There are so many, but the one I hate teh most is helplessness

Do you like scary or exciting rollercoasters: Weee! fun!
How many rings before you answer: In as few as possible without running at the phone...the ringing, make it stop!
If you could have any job you wanted what would it be: I would be the person who sings for the person who lipsynchs...I love to sings but applause makes me nervous
What are you going to do when you finish this survey: Post it...thing is loooooong. Whoever ends up seeing it may need to stop for a meal along the way...I did


Unknown said...

hahah wow, so much to comment on.
yay for borrowing without intentions of returning! so now you can say you DID steal in the last month.
btw i must say you are spectacular for liking Kmart.. or rather not likeing walmart. most of the time, im real easygoing and i could care less about everyhting. hate isnt a word i use often but i HATE walmart with a passion, the sweatshops and the way it ruins every place it moves into

ok thats enough ranting for me

p.s. the name Alana, rollercoasters and painting (or anything to do with art) are all AWESOME! lol

that is all.

Unknown said...

btw its really weird seeing my tag name used by someone else. no idea why, its just cool. also, that staple gun thing sounds schweet, now i want one

now im ReAllY done

~*Ery*~ said...

AH! So you're comments make my day...especially since they occur at 12:23 am....which is my favorite time to write....unfortunatly due to my lack of workinig home PC I must use teh office one, which means office hours only.