Thursday, June 23, 2005

If I could be...

I stole this fro someone elses blog... give credit where credit is due I say.

I’m supposed to choose 5 things from this here list and complete a subsequent “If I could be . . .” thought. Then I tag three other folks to keep it truckin’. I've highlighted my answers, because it makes me feel important, and egotism's sexy, no?
Here goes:

If I could be a scientist
If I could be a farmer I would totally live in IA and grow corn and then UPS it to all my friends and let them taste some good 'ole Iowa corn!
If I could be a musician
If I could be a doctor
If I could be a painter I would suck. I think I might actually be one of those weird modern painters who rolls around in the paint and then on this HUGE would be like body painting, finger painting for adults.
If I could be a gardener
If I could be an architect
If I could be a linguist
If I could be a psychologist I pretty content, then again I might kill the whinny boring patients, and I think that is frowned upon.
If I could be an athlete
If I could be a lawyer
If I could be a professor
If I could be a world famous blogger I would hate it. Everyone would know my private life and tell everyone else and I'd have to start a journal on paper and I hate to handwrite stuff and then I would be mad at everyone for freaking me out.
If I could be a justice on any one court in the world
If I could be married to any current famous political figure
If I could be a missionary
If I could be a writer
If I could be an innkeeper I would own one of those old style ones from the Medieval Age and you could sleep there but there wouldn't be any whores 'cause I wouldn't own that kind of establishment. And it would be dirty but the beds would be oh so soft and I'd be so far in the backwoods and so far from the beaten path that the Health Dept. wouldn't even bother to check on me.
If I could be a chef
If I could be a llama-rider
If I could be an astronaut
If I could be a librarian I would totally rock your reading glasses.
If I could be a bonnie pirate

Shit, I did 6. Oh well I guess I wish I could be a lot of things.

**Random Rant**
I hate when people spell the word a-l-o-t! That is not a word. It is actually two words "a" and "lot" . So please spell them correctly. I also hate when a person spells the word yea makes me mad. Not that I can talk I always spell words wrong.
**End of Random Rant**

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