Friday, August 05, 2005

Blog Things

So I'm sitting at my desk at work contemplating what I should write about today I had these thoughts: I could write about how Brendan called me? No I don't want to thats boring I always write about something like that. Or theres the Fondue Room, oh thats right the fondue room where we are going to dinner on Monday . All swanky and expensive but he really wants to go and technically I told him and I want to wear my skanky skirt and Oh my gosh I haven't explained the skanky skirt yet. I love that skirt I'm gonna write about that.

So here is the skanky skirt explanation. In CA we went to (my new favorite store ever thats only in CA) Papaya. I got this cool shirt and this fun dress (both of which feature a low neckline or a high hemline..there is a pattern in this store somewhere I know it...) and as we were leaving I decided that I needed another black skirt (I have three now its silly). So I grabbed this flowy one in my size and bought it. Did't try it on or anything just got it because I knew it would fit and it was pretty. Well two months later I finally find an opportunity to put on my pretty black skirt...and discover that it is a faux wrap around. Meaning that the solid balck material"wraps " on both sides to the front of the skirt...they do not overlap. The gauzy parts on top overlap but thats it. Together with Nancy and Jackie we decided that it was my skanky skirt since whenever I walk or sit the main part of the skirt splits open to reveal my leg up to almost an indecent point. But I love this skirt. The thing is frickin awesome and I want to wear it everywhere. Only I can't because it is dressy looking. I think I could dress it down enough to wear it to the fondue Room but then I have a problem.

See, I know what Brendan and I are doing after dinner. We are going back to his house to "watch a movie". Ummmm, I have serious doubts as to whether or not this is going to happen. In all likelyhood I'm gonna end up in the same postion I was in last week...on my back in his bed (oy that sounds worse than it was). Which would cause the above described skanky skirt to do what it does skanky and open up (heehee). SO I don't know if I'm gonna wear it. Because its very hard to say you can't go there when what I'm wearing is screaming "take me I'm yours!!" On teh other hand I could always not end up in his bed...nah just more fun to change. If I don't, I'll wear my tan peasant skirt which is purty and demure and doesn't ride up. But I love love loooooooove my skanky skirt soooooooooo much. Ah well. Heeehee I also want to wear my black stilettos, but then I'd definitly be taller than him so flip flops it is.

So I figured something out yesterday. Half the reason I was so "oooo lets kiss and make out and in gneral get very riled up" was that I was ovulating. Stupid "fertile phase" always makes me incredibly horny. I'm gonna have to start watching myself. Monitering my cycle and stuff so that I can avoid things like that. But then, that makes me wonder...will I be less"in the mood"/responsive since my body is no longer trying to get itself pregnant? Random musings that don't really matter but thats how its is.

Word of the Day: beholden \bih-HOHL-duhn\, adjective: Obliged; bound in gratitude; indebted

Beholden...despite it sdefinition it makes me feel like re-reading Catcher in the Rye. I love that book. Nancy promised to hug Holden Hall for me...since I can't.


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