Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Learning along the Way

Darlene started working today. I get to be teacher tomorrow. Weee! I love being able to show people things and teach them. I'm not sure why I don't want to be a teacher. I mean I kinda do, way back in the back of my mind, but I don't know if I could deal with it. I don't know, its just that teaching sems so political and beauraucratic sometimes, and I just can't stand that.

Umm so when I capitalized the w in way I realized that it is reminiscent of The Way (as in the early Christians) and I almost changed it, but then I liked it and its little bit of irony and I just left it.

So I heard two jokes today that I found very amusing:

My friend just bought a couch that turns into a bed...I told him he got ripped off, every couch turns into a bed, you just lie on it the looooong way. And if you drink enough beer, everything turns into a bed...and if you keep drinking beer everything turns into a toilet.

I used to compete in sports alot, but then I found out you could buy trophies...now I'm the best at everything!

Heehee so I was vastly amused. I was also amused by the thought of "mailing" a lit cherry bomb (yeah I was watching Boy Meets World). I mean can't you just see it. The sides would plump out (its a ballpark Frank...they plump when you cook them!) and smoke and fire would spew out of the opening at the top like a dragon. Heehee hope no one had any payments in there.

I love comedians they make me smile (hopefully). On that note I tried putting in a "funny quote of the day into my template so I'm crossing my fingers that it will work.

Need to go shopping for casual clothes w/Nancy. She is my shopping buddy and we both need a day of buying casual jeans and shirts and stuff that have nothing to do with high school. But when will we find the time?!?!

ARrrgh! Totally had a thought and lost it! Grrrr.
Word of the Day: captious \KAP-shuhs\, adjective: 1. Marked by a disposition to find fault or raise objections. 2. Calculated to entrap or confuse, as in an argument.

This word made me think of Jeff and all the strange convoluted conversations we've had since we are both very captious in the way we speak to each other.

I enjoy this word very much. I just like how it sounds, almost spacious but with a different beginning. I also think that I've been learning the words better since I've started commenting on them...what do you think?


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