Thursday, August 04, 2005


So I like the word ciao. Its fun to say, but sadly its only useful in some saying goodbye.

Update: My finger still hurts and now the bruise is very big.

Brendan called last night (this is ridiculous I don't even care that much about him but I get giggley when I'm talking to him and I have nothing to say and there is this very nicephysical attraction thing going and ... close parentheses). He made me smile and I apparently make him smile because I blush. That makes my day. I love the thought of blushing. Its just such a demure feminine thing that I have always wanted to be able to do...and apparently I already do which is cool. And I heard this song on the radio today which is dscribes almost exactly how I feel: I just can't get you out of my head/boy your lovin' is all I think about/ I just can't get you out of my head/Oh its more than I dare to think about. Yup thats it. Its not even our stimulating conversation. Its the makeing out. Which is cool since I leave in less than three weeks now.

Word of the day: parsimonious \par-suh-MOH-nee-uhs\, adjective: Sparing in expenditure; frugal to excess.

Thats a good one I guess. Its always good to save.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

"I like the lettering. One question though...where would the zipper split the letters? and would you have the white backround behind teh ltters or sew them on individually...oops two more: what fabric are you using for the letters? Okay I'm done. I promise...for right now at least."

A: the zipper goes through the M but it doesnt make much of a difference because its still readable and the pieces are close enough together.
The letters are actually black with white thread on a navy blue hoodie, ill take a pic of it when im done so people can see the finished product.
and umm, im not really sure what the fabric is exactly, but its soft like the hoodie, just not as thick.
ok all done.


p.s. Ciao Rawks.