Monday, August 29, 2005


Kay so this is the continuation of the post earlier today. Thats the list of things I didn't finish elaborating...I also made a promise to elaborate on Pat.

I haven't bought my books yet because I forgot my cash yesterday, I went to church, then I saw Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and it was really bad. That's it in a nutshell. Now to elaborate.

I haven't bought my books yet because I forgot my cash yesteday. Ummm well I went and bought hem todeay actually so that fact is now false. THe truth though is that the hill that I rode my bike up was just kept going and going. THen I got to ride down it, that was awesome.

I went to church and ummmm it wasn't that marevlous. The choir isn't really that great and doesn't do any full numbers because they don't have a full choir. I'll have to think about some stuff. Pat invited me to his church and he's Lutheran and I might, well I know I'm going but I don't know when or if I'll stay. I might even join the choir.

I saw hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and it was really bad. I read the books and this sucked. Thats all there is to that.

Pat. Ummm yeah. I like Pat. He's this guy I met through Cortney and we all hang out together (we being me Cortney Matt and Pat, Timnah comes with us but I don't think she really "gels" with them) But anyway, Pat is 6'10" and I just want to give him a huge hug. Hmmmm he's like this amazingly great guy. I just like to talk to him. He likes to listen to old Italian mafia music and irish stuff and he's in his church's chour an dit just makes me realy happy. We get along really well. Yeah well SO thats Pat.


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